Ecuador Capital – Quito
Facts About Ecuador Population: 15,439,429 (2013 estimate) Total Area: 98,985 sq miles Currency: US Dollar – Since 2000 – Same coin values but coins are called centavos – Commonly used half dollars and dollar coins
Language and People in Ecuador Spanish is the official language. American Indian natives languages are also spoken. mestizo 71.9%, Montubio 7.4%, Afroecuadorian 7.2%, Amerindian 7%, white 6.1%, other 0.4% Regional differences exist. –the Amazon Rain forest –the Coast –the highland Andes –Galapagos Archipelago. These differences affect: –Dress –Appearance –Language –Family Name
Religion in Ecuador Roman Catholic 95%, other 5% Catholic church greatly influences society and government Mormonism, Judaism, Islam, and Baha'i are growing Use of shamans is common by all, regardless of faith The Bible is highly respected and religion is not a controversial subject Homes, businesses, and transportation are commonly decorated with religious sayings or pictures Religious baby names are common
Government in Ecuador 24 Provinces 20 th Constitution in 2008 Constitutional Republic President – 4 years terms and may be re-elected National Court of Justice – appointed to 9 year terms National Assembly – Unicameral with 124 legislators – 4 year terms
Daily Life in Ecuador Daily life depends on social class and location. School – Starts around 7:00 a.m. – No lunch is served so school gets out early afternoon – Most wear uniforms Families and communities work together to get chores done. Everyone works hard making money for the family. Middle and upper class families typically have 9:00- 5:00 jobs Personal cars are becoming a status symbol.
Food In Ecuador Soup is a basic staple. Most families eat lunch together if at all possible. Evening meals often are leftovers from lunch. Middle and upper class follow European model of eating. – The main meal “dinner” lasts for about 2 hours beginning at 2:00 p.m. – Begins with soup. – Empanadas are common. – Potato dishes are common.
Fast Facts About Ecuador The country has many active and inactive volcanoes. – Chimborazo is an inactive volcano that is the highest point in Ecuador. – Due to its position near the Equator it is known as the closest point on Earth to the sun. Ecuador was the first nation in 2008 to declare that nature has constitutional rights. Quito is said to have the most pleasant temperature in the world and has been given the name of the “Land of Eternal Spring”. Ecuador’s chief exports are oil, bananas, and shrimp. If you ask an Ecuadorian to meet you at 7 p.m., he will not be there until 8 or later. – Time is more of a suggestion and their favorite phrase is “tipo.” It means “somewhere around then” and is used along with a time, like “tipo seite.”