WRITTEN Any type of communication through written word The most common form of business communication Important to convey messages through the workplace and to client Managers use reports, presentations, and surveys Also important for advertising Necessary to use appropriate prose and tone
VERBAL Primary tool for expression between people Public speaking relays messages to large groups Interpersonal communication usually involves two people Important in clarifying Useful for collaboration and creating connections with people
NON VERBAL Body language Useful in observing someone’s mood Conveys a person’s characteristics or comfort level Important in creating relationships Often used with verbal communication
TEAMWORK Teams don’t work without teamwork Maximizes members strengths Good teamwork improves attitudes and moods Important when reaching a goal
TEAMWORK IN REAL COMPANIES Many companies use teamwork to accomplish goals Good teams can improve communication between headquarters and smaller offices Microsoft reorganized itself to “encourage more cooperation and collaboration across the corporation” All companies require some teamwork to succeed
OTHER WORKPLACE ETIQUETTE Manners Business Dinner Etiquette Polite and Respectful
POSITIVE EFFECTS Communication is key to working in a group Improves productivity and morale Creates a win-win situation Customer and business benefit Good communication clarifies and informs
NEGATIVE EFFECTS Misunderstanding and Confusion Mistakes Made Decreased Productivity Low Morale
WORKS CITED communication/ communication/