Using SPSS Note: The use of another statistical package such as Minitab is similar to using SPSS
After starting the SSPS program the following dialogue box appears:
If you select Opening an existing file and press OK the following dialogue box appears
The following dialogue box appears:
If the variable names are in the file ask it to read the names. If you do not specify the Range the program will identify the Range: Once you “click OK”, two windows will appear
One that will contain the output:
The other containing the data:
To perform any statistical Analysis select the Analyze menu:
To calculate descriptive statistics select: Analyze-> Descriptive Statistics-> Descriptives
The following dialogue box appears
Select the variables;
Click the option button to select summary statistics
The following dialogue box appears
Use this dialogue box to select statistics that you want to compute then press continue:
Here is part of the output that appears
To Graph data select Graph-> Graph type
The following dialogue box appears
Select the variable and press OK
The following graph appear in the output
Using Minitab
After starting the Minitab the following window appears:
To Open a file go to the menue File-> Open Worksheet
The following dialogue box appears: Asking you to find and select the file:
You should select the file type and browse for the file that you want to open
Here I am opening the Excel file (diet.xls)
The data then appears in a Minitab Spreadsheet
This data has four Variables: WtGn, Diet, Source, Level
Statistical procedures can be found under the Stat menu:
Graphical procedures can be found under the Graph menu:
Some Examples
Next topic: TransformationsTransformations