Steps of Cheesemaking w_cheese_is_made.aspx w_cheese_is_made.aspx
What is Cheese? Cheese is a concentrated form of milk The major components of cheese are: Milk proteins (primarily casein) Milkfat (also called butterfat) Water
Step 1: Milk Intake Milk is pumped into cheese factory storage. Milk is tested for quality & purity. It takes ten pounds of milk to make one pound of cheese
Step 2: Standardization Milk is weighed and pasteurized to ensure safety and uniformity. Raw, or unpasteurized, milk can be made into cheese, but it must age, or cure, at least 60 days before it can be sold
Step 3: Adding Starter Culture & Coagulant Starter Culture converts milk sugar (lactose) into lactic acid. Helps determine the flavor and texture of cheese Coagulant is added to acidified milk to help proteins bond and solidify.
Step 4: Cutting & Cooking The mass of curds are cut and then cooked. Cooking separates the liquid (whey) from the milk solids (curd). Larger curds are heated at lower temperatures for softer cheeses Smaller curds are heated at higher temperatures for harder cheeses
Step 5: Salting & Forming Salt is added to the cheese. Lowers the moisture of the cheese Enhances flavor Prevents over- ripening Handling of cheese determines shape, flavor and texture.
Step 6: Affinage Affinage is the process of curing and aging cheese. Proteins and fats continue to break down developing texture and flavor