February 18, 2016 | Owen Minott Jr. PRESENTATION CENTER Where the Candidates Stand on Gay Marriage Republicans Vary on Whether to Reverse Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage Clinton Rubi o Trum p Sanders Cruz Carso n Bush Kasic h Clinton has publicly supported same-sex marriage since Kasich personally does not support same-sex marriage, but he considers nationwide legalization settled law and would not make any action to reverse it as President. Cruz has sponsored a constitutional amendment that would define marriage as a union between one man and one woman. Cruz was a vocal supporter of clerk Kim Davis’ refusal to issue marriage licenses. Rubio said of marriage equality “I don't believe any case law is settled law. Any future Supreme Court can change it. And ultimately, I will appoint Supreme Court justices that will interpret the Constitution as originally constructed.“ He does not support a constitutional ban, saying the issue should be left to the states Sanders has publicly supported same-sex marriage since 2009 Bush opposes the federal legalization of marriage because he believes the issue should be left to the states. Along with Ted Cruz, Carson signed a petition with the National Organization for Marriage to restore “traditional marriage” in August of 2015, suggesting support for a constitutional ban. However, he indicated that he was not interested in a constitutional ban on gay marriage a couple months previously, in June. Trump supports “traditional marriage,” and he opposed the Obergefell v. Hodges ruling. He told Fox News’ Chris Wallace that he would “strongly consider” appointing justices who would overturn the ruling. Sources: National Journal, 2016; Rebecca Berg, “Ben Carson Not for Traditional Marriage Amendment,” RealClearPolitics, June 19, 2015; Seth McLaughlin, “Jeb Bush: Same-sex Marriage Should Have Been Decided by States,” Washington Times, June 26, 2015; Eugene Scott, “4 GOP Candidates Sign Anti-Same- Sex Marriage Pledge,” CNN, August 25, 2015; Jeremy Peters, “Jeb Bush Pledges Debate on Gay Marriage After Court Ruling,” New York Times, June 19, CANDIDATES ON GAY MARRIAGE
February 18, 2016 | Owen Minott Jr. Sources: National Journal, 2016; Rebecca Berg, “Ben Carson Not for Traditional Marriage Amendment,” RealClearPolitics, June 19, 2015; Seth McLaughlin, “Jeb Bush: Same-sex Marriage Should Have Been Decided by States,” Washington Times, June 26, 2015; Eugene Scott, “4 GOP Candidates Sign Anti-Same- Sex Marriage Pledge,” CNN, August 25, 2015; Jeremy Peters, “Jeb Bush Pledges Debate on Gay Marriage After Court Ruling,” New York Times, June 19, CANDIDATES ON GAY MARRIAGEPRESENTATION CENTER Republicans Vary on Whether to Reverse Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage Personally Supports Is Open to Reversing Nationwide Legalization Supports Constitutional Amendment Banning Same-Sex Marriage Jeb BushX?X Ben CarsonX ? Hillary Clinton XX Ted CruzX John KasichXXx Marco RubioX X Bernie Sanders XX Donald TrumpX X Where the Candidates Stand on Gay Marriage