Bullying Project Kalene, Roz, Tanya
INTASC STANDARD Standard #3: Learning Environments The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. Name of Artifact: Bullying Project Date: July, 21, 2014 Course: EDUC 240 Brief Description: For this assignment, we had to define bullying, create an assessment, and create three different activities to combat bullying. Rationale: To document our understanding of Standard #3, Learning Environments, we selected to include the definition of bullying along with activities to help students understand what bullying is and how to work together to stop occurrences of bullying in the classroom.
BULLYING: The behavior that hurts or harms another person physically or emotionally. The targets have difficulty stopping the behavior directed at them and struggle to defend themselves. Bully has more “power” either physically, socially, or emotionally such as higher social status’ is physically larger or emotionally intimidating
Crossword Puzzle
Crossword Puzzle - Across 5. Acronym for the company that provides an Internet connection to individuals or companies. 6. Short for “World Wide Web” or pages linked together via the Internet 7. A wireless handheld device which allows for telephone communications. 10. Interactive web journal or diary, the contents of which are posted online and then viewable by some or all individuals. 11. An electronic device that stores and processes information and also facilitates electronic communication when connected to a network. 13. The denial of access to particular parts of the Internet. 14. The second most popular social networking web site. 16. A form of bullying where physical assaults are recorded on mobile phones or digital cameras and distributed to others. 18. Sending short messages via cell phone. 19. Physical or emotional injury to someone. 20. Allows Internet users to send and receive electronic text to and from other Internet users. 21. The act of restricting access to certain web sites (usually using software programs). 22. A user-created web page on a social networking web site. 23. Sending angry, rude, or obscene messages directed at a person or persons privately or an online group. 24. Unsolicited words or actions intended to annoy, alarm, or abuse another individual.
Crossword Puzzle - Down 1. The most popular social networking website. 2. The act of requesting another person to enter your social network 3. Repeated and deliberate harassment directed by one in a position of power toward one or more. 4. Two or more computers connected so that they can communicate with each other. 7. Intentional and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices. 8. A file on a computer that records user information when visiting a web site. 9. Unsolicited electronic mail sent from someone you do not know. 12. An intermediary web site which hides or disguises the IP address associated with the Internet user. 15. A worldwide network of computers communicating with each other via phone lines, satellite links, wireless networks, and cable systems. 17. Making a statement or taking an action that indicates harm to another.
Bullying Skit: Mean Girls Physical Emotional Extortion Exclusion Cyber
Changing the meaning of a Word BBeautiful UUnderstanding LLove LLearning YYield IIntelligence NNice GGenerous
Classroom Rules to Prevent Bullying Think before you speak Think before you do Be Respectful Treat others as you would like to be treated No physical contact
Assessment After completing each activity the students will be given a short quiz to test their knowledge of the material covered. The students will be required to come to the next class session with an activity covering one of the activities.
References National Bullying Prevention Center Bullying Assessment Cyberbullying Research Center