Constitutional Convention. Called to revise the Articles of Confederation 55 delegates - 8 had signed the Declaration of Independance Ben Franklin was.


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Presentation transcript:

Constitutional Convention

Called to revise the Articles of Confederation 55 delegates - 8 had signed the Declaration of Independance Ben Franklin was the oldest there James Madison- “Father of the Constitution” Delegates realized they would have to write a new constitution

The Virginia Plan Proposed by Edmund Randolph and James Madison Included three branches of gov’t. Legislative, executive, judicial

The Virginia Plan Cont. Legislature would consist of two houses Seats would be based on population *larger states would have more representation than smaller states

The New Jersey Plan Proposed by William Paterson Had support of small states Still had three branches (like the Virginia plan) Legislature had just one house Each state had one vote Gave the national gov’t. power to tax and regulate trade

The Great Compromise Proposed by Roger Sherman Called for the creation of a two house legislature

The Great Compromise Cont. Lower House- House of Representatives elected by popular vote Seats would be based on population

The Great Compromise Cont. Upper House – The Senate Members would be chosen by state legislatures All states would have two representatives

Three Fifths Compromise South wanted to include slaves in population count for figuring representation, but not for tax purposes North argued that slaves should count for tax purposes, but not for representation

Three Fifths Compromise Cont. The 3/5 compromise agreed that 3/5 of the slaves in any state would be counted for both tax purposes and representation.

Signing the Constitution Three delegates did not sign the constitution Each state had to hold a convention to vote 9 states had to approve the constitution before it went into effect