SuperVision and Instructional Leadership: A Developmental Approach Chapter 5 Mefleh Althamer
Reflections on Educational Beliefs, Teaching, and Supervision Questions to reflect: What are the relationships between educational beliefs, teaching, and instructional supervision? How do teachers’ behaviors and attitudes compare with qualities of expert teachers?
Instructional Goals and Effective Teaching The goal of supervision is to improve instruction. To reach the effective teaching , teachers should know what they have to teach. Different instructional goals require teaching strategies. Instructional improvement increases the capabilities of students. Expert teachers can help the school to develop and improve learning for all students.
Beliefs about Education Instructional goals are based on beliefs about the purpose of education. Educational philosophies have a huge impact on instructional improvement. There are three teachers with different beliefs about education: Joan Simpson (basic knowledge). Bill Washington( students growth). Pat Rogers (individual needs).
Supervision Beliefs In fact, most supervisors are former teachers. Supervisors work to improve teachers. The supervisory platform of three supervisors describe the beliefs about supervision: Bob Reynolds (monitoring and determining) Jon White (engaging teachers in improvement of instruction) Shawn Moore (Encouraging teachers to drive the instructional improvement)
Supervisory platform as related to educational philosophy Essentialism. Experimentalism. Existentialism.
Relationship of Philosophy, Control , and Supervisory Belief
Effects of Culture on Beliefs Cultural background is an important aspect in education. Students from minority cultures may face difficulties in curriculum. Schools should be aware of their students and cultures.
References Clickman, D, Gorden, S., Ross-Gorden, J. (2010), Supervision and Instructional Leadership. 9th Edition. Boston: Allyn & Bacon