What is passive voice? How to identify passive voice? Why is passive voice bad? How to improve writing with active/passive.
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Passive voice takes power away from the subject. Often used to shift responsibility. Politicians Guilty Parties Passive voice weakens academic writing.
Passive voice takes power away from the subject. (The subject’s power is taken away…) Often used to shift responsibility. (Responsibility is shifted) Politicians Guilty Parties Passive voice weakens academic writing. (Academic writing is weakened.)
The verb “be” often preceeds a passive verb Mistakes were made. The potatoes should be eaten. Many passive sentences have an optional “by phrase” Mistakes were made…by me. The potatoes should be eaten…by you.
Passive voice creates weak verbs. Sentences are not very direct. Passive voice lowers a speakers credibility. Active voice is straight to the point There are no questions of who,what,where…etc.
Examine a sentence Is the verb “be” before a verb? This should be eaten… Is there an optional “by phrase” This should be eaten…BY you. Who/what is doing the action? This should be eaten…BY you. Make the actor before the verb. Remove the “by phrase.” You should be eating this.
What is passive voice? How to identify passive voice? Why is passive voice bad? How to improve writing.