Proposed Co-convened WG1/2 Objectives, Schedule, and Activities Group Name: TP#1 Source: Omar Elloumi (Alcatel-Lucent), Laurent Laporte (Sprint) Meeting Date: Agenda Item: n.a.
Proposed Objectives Requirements Analysis and comparison of existing requirements documents in the document pool as well as allowing for requirements derived from member contributions Tentative harmonization of requirements Architecture Familiarization of different architectures Because of translation issues, we propose that short presentations of the architectures are prepared Short report providing a summary of the different architecture frameworks
Proposed Meeting Rotation US PacificUS EasternEurope CETChinaAustralia 14:00 GMT06:0009:0015:0022:0001:00 05:00 GMT21:0000:0006:0013:0016:00 23:00 GMT15:0018:0000:0006:0009:00
Meeting Schedule DatesUS PacificUS EastCETBeijingSeoulSydney 9 & 11 Oct21:0000:0006:0012:0013:0015:00 16 & 18 Oct06:0009:0015:0021:0022:0000:00 23 & 25 oct15:0018:0000:0006:0007:0009:00 30-Oct06:0009:0014:0021:0022:0000:00 06-Nov21:0000:0006:0013:0014:0016:00 08-Nov06:0009:0015:0022:0023:0001:00 13 & 15 Nov21:0000:0006:0013:0014:0016:00 20-Nov06:0009:0015:0022:0023:0001:00 27 & 29 Nov14:0017:0023:0006:0007:0009:00
Proposed Activities Develop Requirements input template Develop initial set of requirements for TP#2 Approval can only take place at TP level Develop initial description/analysis of architecture framework Propose liaisons to industry segment SDO’s as needed To request feedback To inform of results
Responsibility Identify and document use cases that are relevant for oneM2M – Use cases describe the interactions between actors and the system/subsystem using a sequence of steps to achieve a goal. – Use cases shall be described in an architecture neutral manner. Identify and specify service and system requirements that are relevant for oneM2M scope, including interworking aspects to other systems Gather M2M service requirements specific to the vertical ecosystem contexts obtained from vertical industry groups and fora Conduct studies leading to deliverables pertaining the aggregation and analysis of requirements necessary for development of the M2M system according to the scope of oneM2M. Topics include (but are not limited to): Service and system Requirements – can belong to either service support or service deployment including aspects regarding deployments Ecosystem context –how the M2M system is expected to fit together with selected vertical eco- systems, including all non-M2M system components required to deploy a complete solution. Proposed ToR WG1
Responsibility Specify architecture for M2M system according to oneM2M scope Develop specifications that meet requirements and choose whether to reuse/reference existing standards and specifications or parts thereof. Coordinate M2M architecture activity with that of other oneM2M WGs as well as other specification groups and fora. Conduct studies leading to deliverables pertaining to the evolution of the M2M system. Topics include (but not limited to): Architecture – functional entities, reference points, and related message flows Interworking aspects (e.g. leveraging network capabilities as and when applicable) Evolution guidelines – to describe architectural steps that M2M systems follow in order to migrate towards using oneM2M components. Guidelines pertaining to the application of oneM2M standards in specific verticals Proposed ToR WG2
Proposal for the co-convener activities between TP1 and TP2 Group Name: TP#1 Source: Omar Elloumi (Alcatel-Lucent), Laurent Laporte (Sprint) Meeting Date: Agenda Item: n.a.
Introduction This section is prepared by the WG1/WG2 co- convener to initiate the discussion on how to structure the work between TP1 and TP2 It is only an initial proposal that will be adjusted based on member feedback during the calls or by to the co-conveners and the rapporteurs Slide 1 to 7 are the same slides as contribution 48 presented during TP1
8 ->15->22->29->5->12->19->26-> -Use case template -Requirements methodology -Benefits doc. calls week tasks OctoberNovember Kick-off Call Use case/ Req Use case collection/consolidation/distilling Requirements consolidation Contributions for architecture review submitted Benefits doc development Use case collection/consolidation/distilling Requirements Consolidation Architecture review Benefits doc development Comment Ad hoc meetings Technical input is to be contributed to TP2 for consideration and approval WG1/WG2 co-convened conference call structure NOTE: Use case, benefits and requirements is an ongoing TP process Tentative allocation of meeting time (will be adjusted based on feedback, contributions, and progress made). Begin architecture review discussions
8 ->15->22->29->5->12->19->26-> calls week OctoberNovember Use Case Proposed schedule for WG1/2 between TP#1 and TP#2 Reqmnt Draft TR for TP#2 consideration Arch Part 1 Benefits Doc Draft TR for TP#2 consideration Draft for TP#2 consideration These items are required outputs per oneM2M-TP R01 and -0050R01 Review for submittal to Requirements WI stream Use case and requirements contributions to TP#2 may occur throughout the period prior to Draft ready date
WG1 - TR - oneM2M Use cases collection Required for presentation to TP2 for draft approval Can still be worked on until TP3 WG1 - TS - M2M Requirements Should not be started before TP2 WG1 - TR - Benefits of oneM2M technology Required for presentation to TP2 for final approval of version 1 of the TR WG2 - TR - 1. Analysis of the architectures proposed for transfer to oneM2M Required for presentation to TP2 for final approval of this part of the TR WG2 - TR - 2. Study for the merging of architectures proposed for transfer (…) Should not be started before TP2 WG2 - TS - M2M Architecture Should not be started before TP3 Documents priorities for presentation to TP2 (per oneM2M-TP R01 and -0050R01) Legend: Priority A - Priority B - Priority C - Priority D