VISUAL ANALYTICS SYSTEMS IN THE WILD Presented by: SDS235: Visual Analytics – Fall 2015
A note from Jordan A few important notes: 1. The following slides are a rough outline for the things I’m hoping you’ll touch on in your presentation. 2. You are by no means obligated to use this template. If something isn’t relevant to the paper you read, if something important is missing, or if you just don’t like it, feel free to adjust. 3. You also don’t have to present the slides in this order. If there is a “better flow” for how you want to describe the contribution, have at it! 4. Each person has ~12 minutes to present, and 3 minutes for questions / discussion
The Problem You’ll likely want to start by introducing the problem the paper is trying to solve, and any background info we need to know If there’s a particular use case for the system, or a particular persona the authors are designing for, this is a good time to talk about that too
New Idea What’s the new idea the authors describe in their paper? How does it compare with the “state of the art”? (at the time or writing, now, or both!)
Describe the system How does the system work? What does it look like? If the paper came with a demo video, you’re welcome to play it
Your Evaluation What do you think of the solution the authors propose? Did anything strike you as particularly clever? Are there any major flaws in the approach? Did they conduct a formal evaluation? If so, you’re welcome to talk about that here as well
Why You Picked this Paper What drew you to this paper? You don’t actually have to make a slide for this if you don’t want to, but I’ll probably ask you about it because I’m curious
Main Takeaway What is the ultimate contribution this paper makes? Did it solve the problem it set out to solve?
Discussion If you’d like, feel free to pose a question to the class For example: “Horn et. al’s 2009 CHI paper on tangible programming languages in informal science education has doubled its number of of citations over the past 2 years. Any idea what might be driving this surge in interest?”