3. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a nucleic acid made up of nucleotides joined into long strands by covalent bonds
3. Nucleotides are building blocks of nucleic acids 4. Nucleotides: 3 parts ▪ 5. 5-carbon sugar: deoxyribose ▪ 5. Phosphate group ▪ 5. Nitrogenous base ▪ 4. 4 Nitrogenous bases (contain Nitrogen): 5. Adenine 5. Guanine 5. Thymine 5. Cytosine
3. Nucleotides joined by covalent bonds 4. Forms between sugar of one nucleotide and phosphate group of the next. 3. Nitrogenous bases 4. Stick out sideways from the nucleotide chain 4. Nucleotides can be joined together in a number of different ways 4. Any base sequence is possible 4. That’s what makes us so different! 4. Have a special chemical structure that is especially good at absorbing UV light
1. What are the 3 components of a nucleotide? 2. What are the four nitrogenous bases? 3. Do you think excessive UV light could damage your DNA? How?
3. Austrian-American biochemist 3. Discovered that % of: 4. Adenine [A]= Thymine [T] 4. Guanine[G]= Cytosine [C] P. 345 Analyzing data #1-4 (5 min.)
3. Explains Chargaff’s rule 3. Antiparallel strands 4. DNA runs in opposite directions 3. Hydrogen bonds 4. Both strands of DNA are held together by H bonds between nitrogenous bases (A and T) and (G and C). 3. Base pairing 4. A always lines up perfectly with T 4. G always lines up perfectly with C
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