By: Hannah, Erika, and Jade
Schlosser uses this introduction as a way of demonstrating the extremism of fast food restaurants. He puts examples of how the amount of independently owned businesses has decreased as chained restaurants increased. “…out of belief that people should know what lies behind the shiny sesame seed buns”
90% of new American jobs is due to McDonalds hiring. In 1970 Americans spent about six billion dollars on fast food; in 2000 they spent more than 110 billion dollars. 96% of American children can identify Ronald McDonald, the only fictional character with a higher degree of recognition was Santa Claus. The Golden Arches are now more widely recognized than the Christian cross.
Yes, the author uses an example in the beginning of how even in a secure military base, catering like Dominos and McDonalds still manages to make its way past the heavy barriers and extreme security. This goes to show that no matter how high of a status your career has, you can’t escape chain restaurants and fast food.
Messages like this are so important because so many people in today’s society rely on fast food. The author states “Fast food is now so commonplace that it has acquired an air of inevitability, as though it were somehow unavoidable, a fact of modern life.” Which just further emphasizes the relevance of this topic and how common it is in today’s world.