Status Reports: Messenger and Dawn S. Joy
MESSENGER It has been previously reported that the MESSENGER project did not plan on archiving any data EXCEPT for EDRs until 1 year after the end of the prime mission. Objections to this plan were raised by the PDS (lead by GEO and PPI) but the project argued that they had a signed DMP that contained this schedule.
MESSENGER Bill and Ed raised a stink about this at HQ. They were able to gather enough support (M. Lindstrom, others?) and documentation to make the MESSENGER project change it’s archive plan. MESSENGER will now archive calibrated data 6 months after the last Mercury flyby, and every 6 months during the mapping mission.
MESSENGER Thus far, all of the EDR SISs have been written, reviewed, and signed. RDR SIS’s are under development Some instrument teams will provide two SIS’s (RDR and map products) and are only currently working on the RDR SIS. Others will provide a single SIS for calibrated data products.
MESSENGER Late breaking news from M. Lindstrom…
Dawn The news from Dawn is generally good… Dawn completed TVAC with only a few bumps and bruises. −Broken components have been replaced and have completed unit TVAC tests. Last week, Dawn passed it’s pre-ship review. Dawn will be shipped to the Cape in about 2 weeks. −Shipping is delayed until after vibe testing the reassembled s/c at NRL. −The mission is still on schedule for a June 20 th launch. The Operational Readiness Review (ORR) is scheduled for May 8.
Dawn M. Sykes and S. Joy recently formed a Dawn Data Archive Working Group (DDAWG) with support from the PDS- SBN. Draft EDR/RDR SISs under development and will be delivered before the ORR in May. The DAWG is working to develop guidelines for archive product pipeline development, review, and rules.