Real Life Challenges Essential Question: How does commercialism impact daily life? I. Expanding Knowledge: What Do You Know About Advertising and the Media? II. Shared Reading: “How do Tweens Feel about Brands?”, an informational text by Patricia Seybold From Brandchild by Martin Lindstrom SB III U2 L6 Brands and Media Agenda
Expanding Knowledge: What Do You Know About Advertising and the Media? How does commercialism impact daily life? Complete the survey on page 130. Please take out page 129 (Activity 2.5) In pairs, discuss your answers. Be prepared to share with the class.
Expanding Knowledge: What Do You Know About Advertising and the Media? 1. Why is the logo important (or not) to what they wear and buy? 2. Why is it important for corporations to make people want to buy a particular brand?.
Shared Reading: “How do Tweens Feel about Brands?”, an informational text by Patricia Seybold From Brandchild by Martin Lindstrom As a class, we will perform a shared reading “How do Tweens Feel about Brands?”, an informational text by Patricia Seybold From Brandchild by Martin Lindstrom. Pages
Shared Reading: “How do Tweens Feel about Brands?”, an informational text by Patricia Seybold From Brandchild by Martin Lindstrom As a class, we will perform a shared reading of the rest of the article. As we read, mark the text every time you identify other “persuaders” that the creators of ads use. Also, as we perform our shared reading, list the “persuaders” in the My Notes area, and think of examples of each of the persuaders. Pages Now that we have completed our shared reading, please join your group for group discussion about which of the persuaders is most effective for your age group or for you as a target audience.
Shared Reading: “How do Tweens Feel about Brands?”, an informational text by Patricia Seybold From Brandchild by Martin Lindstrom (Page 134) S O A P S T
Review: Commercialism How does commercialism impact daily life?