CS-EE 480 Spring 2006 Sublimity Audio 1 September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Project Sublimity Audio Stereo Class-D Audio Amplifier Team Joe Baird Luke Raynor Aaron Taylor Advisor Dr. Osterberg Industry Representative Mike Desmith (Intel)
CS-EE 480 Spring 2006 Sublimity Audio 2 September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Overview Introduction Scorecard Additional Accomplishments Plans Issues/Concerns Conclusions
CS-EE 480 Spring 2006 Sublimity Audio 3 September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Introduction Stereo input, 2.1 Output Switching rather than linear Using dsPIC to do DSP filtering Much more efficient than typical amplifiers
CS-EE 480 Spring 2006 Sublimity Audio 4 September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Introduction
CS-EE 480 Spring 2006 Sublimity Audio 5 September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Scorecard Circuit Diagram Completed Ideal Simulation Completed –Right/Left Channel Pout = 18W each –Sub Channel Pout = 56W Project Plan Completed Developed idea for project Functional Specifications Completed Made contact with industry rep for guidance
CS-EE 480 Spring 2006 Sublimity Audio 6 September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Other accomplishments Calculated critical component values –Used to select MOSFETs, Gate Drivers IRLIB4343, IR2011 Found free full-version SPICE software –LTspice/SwitcherCAD III Heard back from Logitech
CS-EE 480 Spring 2006 Sublimity Audio 7 September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Plans Complete actual PSPICE simulations –Currently in progress Determine DSP pic frequency capabilities –May use alternate DSP on right/left channels TCA2002: 2-channel high-speed audio controller Work on DSP pic code Output filters designed
CS-EE 480 Spring 2006 Sublimity Audio 8 September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Plans continued…
CS-EE 480 Spring 2006 Sublimity Audio 9 September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Commercial Class-D Amp Specifications VS Sublimity Audio Class-D Amp SpecificationAlpine MRP-M450 Value Sublimity Audio Value Power Requirements14.4V DC (11V to 16V)12V DC (10V to 14V) Efficiency80 % Input Sensitivity (For Rated Power): 0.2V to 4.0VN/A RMS Power (at 14.4V THD+N, 20Hz- 20kHz) Per channel into 4 ohms: 220W x 1 (1% THD)At 12V: 75W Total Per Right/Left Channel into 4 ohms: 15W Subwoofer Channel into 4 ohms: 45W Channels1 Channel (Mono) Operation2 Right/Left Channels 1 Subwoofer Channel Frequency Response20Hz - 200Hz (+3/-3dB)Right/Left Channel: 125Hz – 20kHz Subwoofer Channel: 20Hz – 150Hz Signal to Noise (S/N)90dBA (Reference to Rated Power)N/A Input Impedance10k OhmN/A
CS-EE 480 Spring 2006 Sublimity Audio 10 September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Milestones NumberDescription Original 9/25/06 Previous 10/30/06 Present 11/30/06 1Product Approval10/22/06 2Plan Approval11/10/06 3Circuit Diagram12/1/06 4Design Release12/08/06 5TOP’s Approval02/23/07 6Unit Testing Completed3/23/07 7Prototype Release04/13/07 8Founder’s Day04/16/07 9Final Report04/27/07 10Party with Stereo4/27/07
CS-EE 480 Spring 2006 Sublimity Audio 11 September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Concerns/Issues Achieving DSP frequency > 300kHz –Use TCA2002 DSP for right/left channel Creating actual component SPICE models –Use alternate component netlist with similar specs Switching Noise –Design better filter Putting 10+ amps through proto-board Feedback loop –Use Full Bridge
CS-EE 480 Spring 2006 Sublimity Audio 12 September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Conclusions Currently on schedule We are making contacts in the industry for life after UP We are excited to build an amp so we can have our party in the spring. Does anyone have a question?