Protocol Revision Subcommittee Report to ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee September 4, 2003
Summary of PRS Report 7 PRRs recommended for approval 1 PRR recommended for rejection 3 PRRs withdrawn with PRS affirmation Prioritization of computer system projects
PRR 421 – Conformance with PUC Rule PUCT adopted new rule concerning independent organization oversight, including confidentiality provisions PRR conforms Protected Information section to the new rule No impact on computer systems; minimal staffing impact; minimal business practice impacts Recommended October 1, 2003 effective date
PRR 433 – Change REC Deficit Banking Percentage PUCT increased the deficit banking amount from 5% to 10% for CRs during the first 2 compliance periods PRR conforms REC provisions to rule change No impact on computer systems (implemented); minimal staffing impact; minimal business practice impacts; no operations impact Recommended October 1, 2003 effective date
PRR 437 – 867_03 Timeline Adds timeline to Protocols for TDSP- ERCOT monthly meter read timeline Computer system changes implemented Recommended October 1, 2003 effective date
PRR 442 – Profile Development Cost Recovery Fee Conforms Protocols to PUCT Order requiring process to collect a fee from REPs requesting new load profile No impact on computer systems; impacts staffing and business practices Recommended October 1, 2003 effective date
PRR 443 – Competitive Metering Ownership Implementation Conforms Protocols to PUCT Order regarding competitive metering and establishes reference to Competitive Metering Guide No impact on computer systems; impacts staffing and business practices Recommended October 1, 2003 effective date
PRR 446 – Disclosure of OOMC Deployments Discloses OOMC aggregate data second day after trade day and posting of unit specific information on the 30 th day after the trade date Impact on computer systems; impacts staffing Recommended effective upon ERCOT staffing for manual workaround/system implementation
PRR 448 – BUL Implementation Clarifies how BUL formulae treat static or dynamically scheduled loads Clarifies capacity payment calculations Impact on computer systems; impacts staffing and impacts business practices Recommended effective upon implementation
PRR 445 – Amendments Regarding “Urgent” Status Proposed minimum comment periods for “urgent” protocols revisions and various administrative changes PRS will address through standardization of timelines and notice Recommended rejection
PRRs Withdrawn PRR 281 – Allowance for Site-Specific Resource Dispatch Instructions PRR 434 – Adjustment to Allocation of REC Purchase Requirements PRR 438 – REC Timelines
PRR Action List PRR 421 – Conform to PUC Oversight Rule PRR 433 – Conform to REC % Change Rule PRR 437 – 867_03 Timeline PRR 442 – Profile Development Cost Recovery Fee PRR 443 – Competitive Metering PRR 446 – Disclosure of OOMC Deployments PRR 448 – BUL Implementation PRR 445 – “Urgent” Amendments -- Rejection
System Prioritization PRS reviewed “System Change” list of market requested changes (used in budget process) Ranked High, Medium and Low priorities Sub-ranked within each category Reviewed list to ensure only market requests were included Market list meshed with PUCT and ERCOT system change requests by priority level Recommend approval of market request prioritization