Sam Phelan
Capital and Major Cities
Historic Battle Sites Robben IslandSterkfontein Caves For nearly 400 years, Robben Island, about 12 kilometres from Cape Town, was a place of exile and imprisonment where rulers sent those they regarded as outcasts and troublemakers. There are many historic battle sites to visit in South Africa. The Sterkfontein Caves are one of the richest and most productive palaeo-anthropological sites in the world and form part of the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site.
Recreation Rugby, Cricket, and Soccer are very popular
Earthquakes Droughts
Although the colors have no official meaning attached to them the South African flag incorporates the colors black, green and yellow of Nelson Mandela's political party, the African National Congress and the former Boer republics flags (red, white, and blue). The Y shape represents the convergence of South Africa's diverse society and the desire for unity. The South African flag is basically made up of former South African flags and the past meanings of the colors were Red for bloodshed, blue of open blue skies, green for the land, black for the black people, white for the European people and yellow for the natural resources such as gold.
South Africa's climatic conditions generally range from Mediterranean in the southwestern corner of South Africa to temperate in the interior plateau, and subtropical in the northeast. Most of the country has warm, sunny days and cool nights. Surrounds the country of Lesotho Borders Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique.
Most people take cars or taxis Used to be a tram system
The Apartheid Museum, the first of its kind, illustrates the rise and fall of apartheid. Apartheid Museum South African Museum Located in Cape town.
IsiZulu (official) 23.8% IsiXhosa (official) 17.6% Afrikaans (official) 13.3%
Potjiekos, literally translated "small pot food", is a stew prepared outdoors in a traditional round, cast iron, three-legged pot. This one is being cooked on a barbecue.
105 th Richest country in the world Life expectancy; male: years; female: years Major Religion: Zion Christian 11.1% Largest Ethnic group: Black African 79% Top 3 imports: gold, diamonds, and platinum Top 3 exports: machinery and equipment, chemicals, petroleum products