A:B: BritainGermany #1 Which country colonized Vietnam? C:D: FranceKorea
A:B: NorthEast #2 Which part of Vietnam was communist? C:D: SouthWest
A:B: Ho Chi MinhDiem #3 Who was the leader of South Vietnam? C:D: General GiapMao ZeTung
A:B: Geneva ConventionsGulf of Tonkin Resolution #4 Which agreement called for free elections in Vietnam? C:D: 37th parallel agreement Geneva Accords
A:B: NixonKennedy #5 Which President argued that the US needed to support South Vietnam due to the domino theory? C:D: JohnsonEisenhower
President Eisenhower
A:B: CambodiaLaos #6 Which nation does NOT border Vietnam? C:D: ThailandChina
A:B: Geneva AccordsDomino Theory #7 Which of the following, led to the introduction of US ground troops into Vietnam? C:D: Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Tet Offensive
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
A:B: EisenhowerKennedy #8 The escalation of the Vietnam War occurred primarily with which President? C:D: JohnsonNixon
A:B: #9 In what year was the Tet Offensive by North Vietnamese soldiers into South Vietnam? C:D:
A:B: Student statusReligious convictions #10 Once the lottery system was instituted, young men were drafted according to their: C:D: birthdateage
A:B: hawksdoves #11 Opponents of the Vietnam war were dubbed: C:D: pigeonsChicken hawks
A:B: Kent StateUC Berkeley #12 Four anti-war protestors were killed by a National Guardsman at: C:D: HarvardUniversity of Chicago
Kent State
A:B: EisenhowerKennedy #13 The president who said he had a secret plan to End the war did eventually pull US troops out Of Vietnam. C:D: JohnsonNixon
President Nixon
A:B: #14 The final fall of Saigon to the communists and the takeover by the communists occurred in: C:D:
A:B: Civilian clothingHi tech weaponry #15 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic Of guerilla warfare C:D: tunnelsHit and run tactics
Hi Tech Weaponry
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