ALICE TC Meeting – CV Detcool1 LHC stop 31 May, 1-2 June – CV/DETCOOL Interventions Cavern interventions: 31 9:15: Sampling with RP (Isabel) on SPD, SSD/SDD and TRD cooling plant Wait for the results (afternoon or Tuesday morning) before any intervention !!! SPD + CV: replace filters PP4 + put new C 4 F 10 into cooling unit Claudio. Please don’t stop the plant before the sampling !!! SSD/SDD: New !!!!! New Special Filter for SSD Cancelled – Filter to be manufactured by Main Workshop. Problem with temp. transmitter on loop 33 SDD Need to stop the plant ??? TRD: problem with resin filter sampling for analysis problem with the temperature of chilled water Control of temperature with calibrated sensor
SSD – Problem with S2 loop (Ton Van Den Brink) ALICE TC Meeting – CV Detcool2 The real problem is flow too low in some ladders. Ton noticed that the circulation is better after cleaning of the plant filter: Pressure regulator S2 at its set point. We suspect a problem with the draining of air on these ladders. Possibly the pressure regulator not working correctly. 2 ALICAT Pressure regulators have been sent back for checking and calibration. Manufacturing of new filters Before cleaning S2 follows the patron of the return regulatorAfter cleaning of filter S2 is regulating.
SSD – Filters on water (Ton Van Den Brink) ALICE TC Meeting – CV Detcool3 Transmission: support cylinder : 23% 50μm mesh : 60% Overall : 14% The original Transmission: support cylinder :75% Spacer grid : 65% 50μm mesh : 60% Overall (65x60) : 40% The best but very difficult to manufacture Proposal of Main Workshop To be investigated Transmission: support cylinder : 40% 50μm mesh : 60% Overall : 24% The current one Industrial Solution: Install an adapted filter (cartridge + element)
SDD – Temperature of loop 33 (Serhiy Senyukov) ALICE TC Meeting – CV Detcool4 Last shut down we checked that the flow is correct. Check the converter Change the sensor NEED TO STOP THE PLANT
TRD – Level of water conductivity ALICE TC Meeting – CV Detcool5 Resin cartridge, even new, doesn’t work properly. Level 0.8 µS/cm is still OK But a pollution to understand Sampling for bacteriological analysis 1 st change 2 nd change No filter
TRD – Temperature of chilled water ALICE TC Meeting – CV Detcool6 We are too close to the 8°C PlantChill water Temp. WarningAlarmUser range TRD7.5 °C 8°C 21°C16/22 SSD/SDD7.0 °C 12°COn plant outlet14/22 TOF5.7 °C 12°C 14°C14/22 Check of the temperature transmitters with the KIMO tool Review of the different levels (warning, alarm, range) with the users Chilled water is at 5.5°C at the outlet of the CV plant in surface