water.europa.eu CMEP progress CMEP progress Mario Carere, Bernd Gawlik, Madalina David Mario Carere, Bernd Gawlik, Madalina David WG E
Working Group E Priority Substances, SECOND MEETING CMEP Prague - 30 June participants expected: 15 MS and 2 stakeholders Issues: Tasks of the mandate-Progress
Working Group E Priority Substances, CMEP Task 3.1 B: Case studies on statistical methods for assessing compliance (MAC percentiles) A Drafting Group has been created and UK and Germany have elaborated a draft questionnaire as starting point for the report. 10 MS have answered to the Questionnaire A Draft report will be presented in Prague Task Chair: UK
Working Group E Priority Substances, CMEP Task 3.1 C Case studies on implementation of QA/QC Directive Main objective of this task is to update WG E on the progress of implementation of the QA/QC directive as well as encountered difficulties on Member State scale. A questionnaire on QA/QC implementation has been prepared by France; 12 MS have answered to the questionnaire. A Draft report will be presented and discussed in Prague Task chair: France
Working Group E Priority Substances, CMEP Task 3.1 D Comparison of monitoring approaches among EU Member State Laboratories (CM on-site Exercises). Organisation of an Interlaboratory study on passive sampling of emerging pollutants organised by Norman and JRC Task chair: JRC+Norman
Working Group E Priority Substances, CMEP Task 3.1 E Status report on the availability of laboratory intercomparisons, reference materials and other tools of quality control. The activity shall inform WG E about the availability of suitable analytical quality control measures such as laboratory intercomparisons and (certified) reference materials. A table with certified reference materials has been prepared by JRC/IRMM for all the existing PS ( water, sediment and biota) and will be discussed in Prague. Presentation of PT schemes in Prague Task chairs : JRC/IRMM and Italy.
Working Group E Priority Substances, CMEP Task 3.1 F Report on progress of execution of Mandate M 424 on standardisation for existing PS and new standardization needs for new priority substances. The activity M 424 is assigned to CEN TC 230. Work on analytical methods for the new priority substances- Draft Table prepared by JRC has been sent to the CMEP group and will be discussed in Prague Task Chairs: Belgium (flemish Env Agency) and JRC
Working Group E Priority Substances, CMEP Tasks 3.2 A/3.2 B: Summary reports on research dedicated to the investigation of emerging pollutants on a European or river-basin specific level. Presentation of Norman Activities in Prague Watch List: Proposal JRC to be discussed in Prague Task Chairs: Norman
Working Group E Priority Substances, CMEP Task 3.2 C: Technical reports on the use of alternative effect-based monitoring tools. Only Italy and Sweden have accepted to participate to the drafting of the technical index. Interest to the activity has been expressed by France, Germany and Netherland. A drafting group has been created with support of JRC, Ineris, Norman and Switzerland (Robert Kase). Presentation in Prague on result of Goteborg workshop, biomarker monitoring for estrogenic activity and JRC activities Task chairs: Sweden and Italy
Working Group E Priority Substances, THANK YOU !