National Report on Monitoring and Assessment: Ukraine RAC PMA (UkrSCES) Sofia, 2008 Oct 9
2 Main goals Ukrainian Regional Monitoring System of Black Sea Number/List of monitored parameters National institutions involved in 2007 Quality Assurance /Quality Control Ukrainian Annual Assessment of the Black Sea Environment International Projects Data processing resources of UkrSCES Main Publications of the Monitoring and Assessment Results Principal Document RAC PMA Proposals
3 Ukrainian Monitoring System
4 Sampling points 2007
5 Ukrainian Monitoring System Number/List of monitored parameters (2007/2006) Parameter Samples numbers Parameter Samples numbers Parameter Samples numbers HydrochemicalsMetalls PAHs Temperature66/59 Fe84/82 Naphthalene 5/0 Salinity149/59Mn5/0Acenaphthylene 5/0 pH79/70Zn17/0Acenaphthene 5/0 O2O2 150/82Co17/0Acenaphthene 5/0 TSS148/70As17/0Fluorene 5/0 Transparency10/0Hg17/0Phenanthrene 5/0 BOD579/70Cu17/0 Anthracene 5/0 P (PO 4 )150/71Cd17/0 Floranthene 5/0 P total 69/0Pb17/0Pyrene 5/0
6 Ukrainian Monitoring System Number/List of monitored parameters (2007/2006) Parameter Samples numbers Parameter Samples numbers Parameter Samples numbers HydrochemicalsMetalls PAHs N (NH 4 )113/82Ni17/0Benzo[a]antracene 5/0 N (NO 2 )150/82Cr17/0Chrysene 5/0 N (NO 3 )150/82Al5/0 Benzo(b)fluoranthen e 5/0 N total 70/0V5/0 Benzo(k)fluoranthen e 5/0 SiO 4 42/0Benzo[a]pyrene 5/0 Benzo(ghi)perilen 5/0 Dibenzo[a,h]anthrace ne 5/0 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d) piren 5/0
7 Ukrainian Monitoring System Number/List of monitored parameters (2007/2006) Chlororganic pesticidesPCBs total Dibenzo[a,h]anthra cene 5/0 DDT 17/0 Ar125417/0 Indeno(1,2,3- c,d)piren 5/0 DDD 17/0 Ar126017/0 DDE 17/0 Lindane 17/0 α-HCH 17/0 β-HCH 17/0 Other organic pollutants HCB 17/0 Phenols volatile79/42 Heptachlor 17/0 Detergents79/65 Aldrin 17/0 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 91/83
8 Data were reported to the Ministry of Environment Protection of Ukraine. Results of Pilot monitoring were reported to the UNOPS. Financing assured by Ministry of the Environment Protection of Ukraine, National Academy of Science of Ukraine and UNOPS.
9 Ukrainian Annual Assessment of the Black Sea Environment
10 The researches were focused on the two main ecological problems of the Black Sea 1) Eutrophication of seawater and negative ecological effects of this phenomenon 2) Toxic pollution of marine environment. mkg/kg
11 Ukrainian Monitoring System Long term variability of the Water Samples Number during 2000 – 2007 years
12 Range of variations of main chemical quality parameters in the surface (a) and bottom layer (b) of national waters in 2007 O2μMO2μM PO 4 μM P total μM NO 3 μM NO 2 μM NH 4 μM N total μM SiO 4 μM TSS μM Secci Min 1640,04 0,000,010,0023,913,00,503,0 Max 38814,814,8571,3921,42132,153,623,238,07,0 O2μMO2μM O 2 (%) PO 4 μM P total μM NO 3 μM NO 2 μM NH 4 μM N total μM SiO 4 μM TSS μM Min 74320,090,670,330,030,1426,314,61,9 Max ,327,5510,981,981,4736,616,84,8 a b
13 Long term variability of the average annual concentrations of P(PO4), (µmol/l P)
14 Long term variability of the average annual concentrations of N(NO2), (µmol/l N)
15 Long term variability of the average annual concentrations of N (NO3), (µmol/l N)
16 Long term variability of the average annual concentrations of N(NH4), (µmol/l N)
17 Toxic pollution of the marine environment
18 Long term variability of the Water Samples Number of Total petroleum hydrocarbons during 2000 – 2007 years
19 Long term variability of the Water Samples Number of Detergents during 2000 – 2007 years
20 Long term variability of the average annual concentrations of Total petroleum hydrocarbons, (mg/dm 3 ) 2007
21 PAHs Number of ring Concentrations of PAHs, µg/kg No 7 WWTP Pivnichna No 8 Cape “Large Fountain” No 9 Illichivsk port Mouth No 10 Damping place No 11 Damping place Naphtalene218,2<0,13,324,12,3 Acenaphthylene30<0,13,27,12,5 Acenaphthene3<0,1 272 Fluorene322,7<0,15,8167,47,1 Phenanthrene323637,244,611451,4 Anthracene346,45,76,020,97,4 Fluoranthene440689, Pyrene432266,081,517498,1 Benzo(a)anthracene420139,940,186,239,9 Chrysene422859,360,112167,1 Benzo(b)fluoranthrene524487,099, Benzo(k)fluoranthrene516954,079,414467,2 Benzo(a)pyrene523958,512,020,710,6
22 PAHs Number of ring Concentrations of PAHs, µg/kg No 7 WWTP "Pivnichn a" No 8 Cape “Large Fountain” No 9 Illichivsk port Mouth No 10 Damping place No 11 Damping place Benzo(g,h,i)perylene613848,062,710862,6 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene531,85,812,020,710,6 Indeno(1,2,3cd)pyrene17462,683,814482,9 Σ PAHs ΣCarc. PAHs Σ carc./ Σ PAHs * Phenanthrene/Anthracene5,16,57,45,46,9 Fluoranthene/Pyrene1,31,41,3
23 Distribution of PAHs according numbers of ring in molecule
24 Ukrainian Monitoring System National institutions involved in 2007 UkrSCES - the Ukrainian Scientific Center of Ecology of the Sea, Ministry of the Environment Protection; SEINWRBS - State Ecological Inspection of Environmental Protection of the Black sea's North- West region, Ministry of the Environment Protection.
25 Quality Assurance /Quality Control The two laboratories of department of analytical research of UkrSCES and department of analytical control of SEINWRBS which involved into international marine monitoring system are accredited by the Ukrainian standardization organization.
26 Summary of quality control procedures routinely employed within the laboratory Use of high quality analytical standards for instrument calibration. Use of high quality glassware, acids and other reagent and equipment. Routine calibration and adjustments of AAS and maintance of continuous records of these calibrations. Routine performance tests including complete procedural blank analyses and spikes Use of certified reference material and performance of quality control chart. Use of replicate samples. RAC PMA in 2007 takes part in the Black Sea intercomparison exercis: QUASIMEME and BSERP Intercalibration Exercise, Round 50 (nutrients in water, organic pollutants in bottom sediments).
27 International Projects UkrSCES “Spatial Planning in Coastal zones”: works concerning the analysis of the current policy, the legislative basis of procedures of the role of spatial planning within the frameworks of ІCZM and sea use planning in Ukraine are under development, the national report concerning these certain problems is being prepared. “Black Sea Scientific Network” within the framework of the specific research and technological development programme “Structuring the European Research Area”. Works on filling in the interactive DB “Scientists UkrSCES”, “Publications UkrSCES” and DB Socio- Economic – socio-economic data of Ukrainian coastal areas were fulfilled.
28 Data processing resources of UkrSCES at the moment (financial support EU PlanCoast) Router Windows 2003 Server UkrSCES LAN Powerful Firewall Web server Switch Windows 2003 Server Mirror 11 modern workstations
29 Resources of UkrSCES (planned) Router Windows 2003 Server UkrSCES LAN Powerful Firewall Switch Windows 2003 Server Mirror +11 work stations Database server Web server Workgroup server +15 work stations DMZ
30 Current State DATABASE on SQL server IMS server WWW server Scientific vessels Analytic laboratories
31 Example of
32 Main Publications of the Monitoring and Assessment Results I.G.Orlova, N.E.Pavlenko, V.V.Ukrainsky, J.I.Popov EUTROPHICATION STATE OF THE NORTH-WESTERN PART OF THE BLACK SEA BY RESULTS OF LONG-TERM COMPLEX MONITORING //Collection " Ecological safety of coastal and shelf zones and complex use of resources of the shelf ", Release 15, Sevastopol, 2007 Yu. Denga, V. Michaylov M. Monashko, V. Piatakova Filophora field of the Black Sea, - Environment 2007: Actual problems of ecology and hydrometeorology, integration of education and science. Odessa, 2007, 53 p. Kostylev Ed.F., Tretiak I.P. LET'S RESTORE ZERNOV’S PHYLLOPHORA FIELD // Ecological journal “Alive Ukraine”. №01-02, Rachinskaya A.V. PECULIARITY OF COASTAL MICROPHYTOBENTHOS COMMUNITY STRUCTURE IN AREA OF DRAINAGE WATERS INFLUENCE // International scientific-practical conference “Ecological problems of the Black Sea” (31 May - 1 June 2007, Оdessa): - Оdessa, P Kovalishina S.P., Dudnik D. S. THE CHARACTERISTIC OF A ZOOPLANKTON OF ESTUARY DNEPRO-BUGSKOGO AND ADJOINING WATER AREAS. // The international scientifically-practical conference «Aktualne of a problem of ecology » (Belarus, Grodno, November 2007) Loeva I.D., Orlova I.G., Pavlenko N.E., Ukrainsky V.V., Komorin V.N. THE STATE OF EKOSYSTEM OF THE BLACK SEA ON RESULTS LONG PERIOD OF THE ECOLOGICAL MONITORING. //Living Ukraine. Ecological magazine. № С Chervonyk V.V., Popov Y.I., Ukrainsky V.V. CHANGEABILITY OF TERMOKHALINNYKH DESCRIPTIONS OF THE OVERHEAD MIXED LAYER AND FRONTAL SECTIONS IS IN WESTERN PART OF THE BLACK SEA. // Ecological problems of the Black sea. Odessa. on 31 May - 01 June ICSTI page G.E. Shulman, V.N Nikolsky, T.V Yuneva, A.M. Shchepkina, A.E. Kideys. INFLUENCE OF GLOBAL CLIMATIC AND REGIONAL ANTHROPOGENIC FACTORS ON SMALL PELAGIC FISHES OF BLACK SEA. // MARINE ECOLOGICAL JOURNAL, N4 Fomin V.V., Ivanov V.A.Coulping THERMODYNAMICS OF THE OCEAN. MODELING OF CURRENT AND WIND WAVES IN THE KERCH CANNEL // MARINE HYDROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, N 5 Demyshev S.G., Dymova O.A., Cherkesov L.V. NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF THE FLOWS IN THE BASIN WITH TWO STRAITS// MARINE HYDROPHYSICAL JOURNAL N4
33 Principal Document Regional Activity Center for Pollution Monitoring and Assessment (RAC PMA), Odessa, Ukraine DRAFT
34 Principal Document RAC PMA 1.The Ukrainian Scientific Center of Ecology of the Sea (UkrSCES) is a Regional Activity Center for Pollution Monitoring and Assessment (RAC PMA) in accordance to the “Strategic Action Plan for the Rehabilitation and Protection of the Black Sea ” (BS- SAP) 2. The purpose of the RAC PMA is to provide support to AG PMA and together with the AG PMA deals with organizational, scientific-methodical and technical functioning of the Regional Monitoring System and conducts the assessment of pollution of the Black Sea within the framework of the Black Sea Ecological Program (BSEP) and the support for implementation of the Bucharest Convention. 3. The Head of the RAC PMA is Director of UkrSCES.
35 Principal Document RAC PMA 4. RAC PMA tasks: information and scientific-methodical support of the Permanent Secretariat of the Black Sea Commission and Coordinating Council of the BSEP program on assessment, diagnosis and forecasting of the Black Sea environment; scientific-methodical support of the activities of the Black Sea international monitoring system; analyze the information obtained by Secretariat of the Black Sea Commission from the National Centers of Monitoring, preparation a review about the State of Environment of the Black Sea for AG PMA and the Permanent Secretariat; organization of the interactive mapping service for customers via WWW standard through IMS processing.
36 Proposals to the decision of the 18-th Meeting of AG PMA Permanent Secretariat Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution and RAC PMA : to work out and approve the Concept Document (Terms of reference) for RAC PMA; to make the most out of the data processing resources of RAC PMA for technical, information and programmatic support of AG PMA and Permanent Secretariat; within the work plan of the Secretariat foresee organization and financing of the annual international expedition covering the Black Sea in the whole within the framework of fulfilling of the Regional monitoring
37 Thank you very much !!!