A Slap on the wrist
It is the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh, or blunt. What are some things we call the toilet?
Potty John Throne Restroom Lady's/Men’s Room
The term “Passed Away” is a substitution for “died.” Can you think of some other examples people use for “died?”
Gone to be with Jesus Gone to eternal rest Passed on Why would these 2 not be Euphemisms? Bought the Farm Pushing up daisies
“Be Excused” for going to the bathroom. “Big Boned” for overweight “Lost his Lunch” for vomited “Between Jobs” for unemployed “Character Lines” for wrinkles “Comfort Station” for toilet “Land Fill” for dump
In Hunger Games, The word “Tribute” is a euphemism for The term “Hunger Games” is a euphemism for The term “Gamemakers” is a euphemism for Victim or Sacrifice. Punishment. Torturers.
In Bud, Not Buddy the term “Home” is a euphemism for The term “Stick Up Man” is a euphemism for The phrase “I was sure the copper would “plug me” meant he thought the police would Orphanage. Criminal. Shoot him or Kill him.
It is the cultural and/or emotional meaning of a word or phrase “He is Cool.” = He is likeable, great, self-assured “That stinks!” = It is not liked.
This is the dictionary definition of a word or phrase. “He is Cool.” = His temperature is low. “That Stinks.” = It has a bad smell.
It is a saying whose meaning can’t be understood from the individual words. Idioms use the “Connotation” of the word or phrase. Example: Don’t kick a man when he’s down. Meaning: Don’t make someone feel even worse than he/she already does.
The Denotation of the phrase “Don’t kick a man when he is down” would be… …literally, don’t kick someone when he has fallen down.
A Piece of Cake Meaning: Something is easy (Connotation) Denotation – A piece of cake!
Drive Someone Up a Wall Meaning: To irritate or annoy greatly (Connotation) Denotation – Someone is actually driving a car up a wall.
Can’t Cut the Mustard Meaning: Someone or something is not good enough (Connotation) Denotation – The mustard can’t be cut.
The Whole Nine Yards Meaning: Everything; All of it (Connotation) Denotation- Taking all of the 9 yards of something, possibly fabric.
When Pigs Fly Meaning: Something that will never happen (Connotation) Denotation - pigs with wings!
Complete the assignment on your organizer.
Choose one of the idioms: It costs an arm and a leg. Chew someone out Dead Ringer Bite your tongue Hit the books Hit the sack He Lost his head Pedal to the metal Pulling your leg Spitting Image
DenotationConnotation Chip Those guys never let me cook what I want!!!!