Collaborative Leadership Model Strong parent and community involvement Data Analysis-AIMS/PARCC Professional Development Active Communication Professional.


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Presentation transcript:

Collaborative Leadership Model Strong parent and community involvement Data Analysis-AIMS/PARCC Professional Development Active Communication Professional Learning Communities Targeted Students

Vision Statement: Inspire all students to be life-long learners! Mission Statement: Provide a well- rounded education to all students by cultivating a genuine desire for learning, service, and achievement!

All students can be responsible citizens within the community Learning continues beyond the school environment Parents’ support and involvement are crucial to student achievement

Demographics of Student Population Demographic Data Total Enrollment 600 Students Free and Reduced Lunch Enrollment 39% Eligible for Subsidized Meal Program 43% School Attendance Rate 78% Graduation Rate85%

Teachers’ Salaries and Fringes average of $60,000)$2,400,000 Paraprofessionals’ Salaries and Fringes $32,000)$160,000 Principal’s Salary and Fringes$100,000 Assistant Principals’ salaries and Fringes average of $84,000) $168,000 Other Staff Salaries and Fringes (2 secretaries, 1.5 social workers, 2.5 counselors) $352,000 Supplies and Equipment (for instructional materials, copying, internet, ATI Galileo) $200,000 Staff Development ($250/teacher at 40)$10,000 Miscellaneous and Travel$20,000 Total$3,410,000

Teachers’ Salaries and Fringes average of $55,000)$1,540,000 Paraprofessionals’ Salaries and Fringes $30,000)$120,000 Principal’s Salary and Fringes$80,000 Assistant Principal salaries and Fringes$70,000 Other Staff Salaries and Fringes (2 $40,000, 1 social $50,000, 2 $50,000) $190,000 Supplies and Equipment (for instructional materials, copying, broadband, internet, ATI Galileo) $200,000 Staff Development ($250/teacher at 24)$6,000 Miscellaneous and Travel$10,000 Total$2,018,000

School and community communication Ardath High School’s attendance rates Ardath High School’s state test scores Collaborative/Transformational Leadership Teacher Evaluation Implement researched-based programs to raise student achievement

2010 AZ State Standards (Common Core) Response to Intervention (RTI) instruction model Monitor/Evaluate/Review Instructional Planning aligned with Common Core Scientifically-Based Research Programs

Aligns with current state and federal initiatives including: Standards aligned instruction and curriculum focusing on ELA and math Preparing students for college and careers Provides support for English Language Learners and students with special needs Drop-out Prevention-Early warning system Provides training to all teachers and administrators

Current graduation rate is 85% at Ardath High School this is about 7% above the national average (NCES). Average attendance during spring 2011 was 78% Our attendance target is 92% for all classes by

Clearly articulate and enforce school attendance policy Quarterly attendance rewards such as gift cards, movies, and activities Minimum attendance requirement for sports, dances, and other extracurricular activities Open campus for lunch if students have met grade and attendance requirements Goal: By the end of the 2014/15 school year Ardath High School will reach an attendance rate of 92%

Begin Implementation for the School Year. To be completed in phases over the next three years.

Required Lesson Objectives for each Lesson. Meet the Standard Exceed the Standard Relevant to Individual Student Required Lesson Plans using “Essential Elements for Instructions” methodology and template.

AVID-Advancement Via Individual Determination Targets students in the academic middle (B-D) that have potential, but are falling short. Most are low-income, minorities or will be the first in their families to attend college. An elective course using WICR method, which stands for writing, inquiry, collaboration, and reading.

ATI Galileo Benchmark Tests Weekly Formative Assessments Alignment with AZ State Standards (CC) Targeted interventions and enrichments for students

1. Used to assess student progress in core subject areas 2. Weekly dialogues /and formative assessments measure students against standard and objective 3. Enrichment and remediation targets specific objective 4. Internet based program so parents can access lessons and data 5. Data driven and researched based 6. Cost per student-$8.00

Instructional Climate School Wide Communication Plan Teacher Evaluation Document Safe and Equitable Learning Environment Restorative Practices Parent and Community Involvement School Wide Discipline Procedures

The school-wide communications plan provides the infrastructure to develop a communication program for the internal and external public at Ardath High School. This plan will provide public understanding and awareness of the learning opportunities provided for students and learners at Ardath High School. This plan will also help to establish a positive school climate that promotes cooperation, family and community involvement, and professional learning that is open to new ideas, within a safe, disciplined, high-expectation environment that fosters the development of good character and citizenship.

Leadership Committee Comprised of teachers, staff members, and community stakeholders Responsibilities Include: Master Schedule Creation Dismissal Procedures Creation Open Campus for lunch requirements

Collaborative Needs Committee Comprised of administrators, teachers and staff. Will discuss, create and refine a teacher evaluation tool that works for the staff and community needs. Mission: To refine our teaching skills using a constructive evaluation tool based on relevant content, student achievement, and individual teacher needs.

Teaching Appraisal- 50% Purpose: To help teachers grow and improve with support and feedback Goal Setting for Teaching Practices & Classroom Environment-17% Purpose: To collect data related to classroom learning conditions and student motivation Measurements of Student Growth-33% Purpose: To measure the teacher/principal impact on student growth

Improved Test Scores Community and Parent Involvement

Professional Development Goals and Schedule  Implementation of EEI: All teachers will be taught to utilize the Essential Elements of Instruction while lesson planning; including teaching to the objective, using psycho-neural principles of learning, monitoring learners and adjusting teaching and selecting objectives at the correct level of difficulty  ATI: All teachers will receive training on facilitating benchmark assessments in their classes  Restorative Practices: All teachers will be encouraged to use restorative practices in their day to day lessons  AVID: Specific teachers will receive training on preparing students for college and career readiness  January 2013 – May 2015; continuous throughout all teacher in-service meetings and teacher evaluations  August 2013, 2014 – Proper use for all teachers  Quarterly one-on-one review of scores  January 2013 – May 2015; continuous throughout all teacher in-service meetings  Spring 2013 – Two teachers will be sent to receive training

Career Day Student and Parent Survey Business Survey Volunteer and Internship Programs Field Trips College Fair

Parent/Student Involvement Specialist Potluck Dinners Homework Club Art Show Concerts Pep Rallies