Agriculture in the Middle East
What is Agriculture? The definition of agriculture is the science, art, or occupation concerned with cultivating land, raising crops, and feeding, breeding, and raising livestock; farming.
What’s happening In the Middle East, agriculture is one of the largest contributors to the Gross Domestic Product and foreign exchange. It is also the second largest employer in the Middle East. Despite its economic importance, it is largely overlooked in the development of new technologies and in the trained human resources. The Middle East only produces less than half of the food and agro-industrial products it consumes. Agriculture in the Middle East focuses on new ways of improving food production, getting over the challenges of a largely arid land, and managing limited agricultural resources.
UN Impact The Middle East is unable to provide enough food for their countries. Due to their rough terrain, it is difficult to perform easy farming techniques. However, the UN is helping to increase production in their own countries so they don’t have to import food from overseas. Helping financially is the main thing that the UN is doing. They are also supplying new farm machinery that allow for agriculture to take place in the harsh conditions.
Future Outlook This is becoming a big problem. With the Middle East’s population growing rapidly, the need for food is increasing. The poverty rate is on the rise and the only way to stop it is increasing the agriculture production in the Middle East.