Plant Morphology Michael G. Simpson General Terms Can be used for more than one structure/organ.


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Presentation transcript:

Plant Morphology Michael G. Simpson General Terms Can be used for more than one structure/organ

COLOR / COLOR PATTERN SIZE NUMBER Cycly - no. of whorls (series) Merosity - no. of parts per whorl

TEXTURE coriaceous indurate scarious succulent - thick, leathery - hard, ~unbendable - thin, dry, translucent - fleshy

FUSION Fusion of like parts: connate coherent Fusion of unlike parts: adnate adherent Lack of fusion of like parts: distinct Lack of fusion of unlike parts: free contiguous

SHAPE : Solid (3-D)

acicular ensiform strap- shaped linear narrowly oblong

narrowly elliptic elliptic widely ellipticorbicular

lanceolate lance-ovate ovate widely ovateoblanceolate oblance-ovate obovate

narrowly triangular widely triangular deltate rhombic trullate

cordate / cordiform falcate panduratereniform spatulatesubulate

attenuate narrowly cuneate cuneate obtuserounded truncatecordate reniformauriculatehastatesagittateobliquepeltate

entire serrate serrulate doubly serrate dentate denticulate crenate crenulate spinose erose ciliate ciliolate filiferous

acuminate caudate cuspidate narrowly acute obtuserounded truncateemarginateretuse mucronatemucronulateapiculatearistatecirrhousspinous

Division pinnately lobed pinnately cleft pinnately partedpinnately divided sinuateincised laciniatepectinatepalmately lobed palmately cleft palmately partedpalmately divided

Division pinnatifid bipinnatifid tripinnatifiddecompound

Disposition (a character set) = relative placement of objects position arrangement orientation posture

Disposition (a character set) = relative placement of objects position - relative placement of unlike objects

proximal/ basal distal/apical adaxial (ventral) abaxial (dorsal) posterior (adaxial) anterior (abaxial) terminal (apical) lateral (axillary) cauline acrocaulis basal/ radical general positionspecialized position

Disposition (a character set) = relative placement of objects arrangement - relative placement of like object

alternate spiral distichous opposite decussatenon-decussate whorled equitantimbricatevalvatefasciculatesecund

Disposition (a character set) = relative placement of objects orientation - angle relative to central axis

Orientation appressed depressed ascending descending inclined reclined reflexed horizontal / divergent

antrorseretrorseconniventerect pendant/ pendulous

Posture (a character set) =placement relative to a horizontal plane transverse posture - placement of tip longitudinal posture - placement of margins twisting/bending posture

recurvedcernuoussquarroseincurved flexuous

conduplicaterevoluteinvolute cup-shaped (abaxially concave, in this case)


SURFACE canaliculatepunctaterugose/bullatestriate

SURFACE aculeate/pricklyfarinaceous/scurfy papillate/ verrucate/tuberculate muricate glaucous – with a waxy coating viscid – with a sticky secretion

SURFACE bearded ciliate/ ciliolate comose

SURFACE pubescentpuberulenttomentosetomentulose lanate/villous pilosearachnoidscabroushirsute hispid strigosestrigulosesericeousfloccose lepidote

glabrous - smooth, with no trichomes

Symmetry zygomorphic (bilateral) actinomorphic (radial) biradial asymmetric

Temporal Phenomena: Duration annual – living one growing season (gen. ≤ 1 year) biennial – living two growing seasons (2 years) perennial – living many growing seasons (∞ years)

Temporal phenomena: Duration evergreen – persistent two or more growing seasons deciduous – persistent one growing season, then falling off caducous/fugacious – falling/dropping off early accrescent – growing beyond what is typical

Temporal phenomena: Maturation protandrous – stamens mature first within a flower protogynous – pistils mature first within a flower