Identify the 10 myths about Equal employment opportunity (EEO) Falsify each with empirical evidence or logical reasoning Compare with myths in Human Rights Doc 10 Myths about EEO Plous chapter
Colour-blind policies do not result in a colour-blind society Whites are advantaged by colour blind policies Promotion via seniority advantages Whites bec they are usually senior Admissions solely on aptitude test scores hide educational disadvantages due to SES/race Non-EEO Policies
EEO has increased representation of women and VM Canadian Human Rights Commission 2004 Annual Report Still, all is NOT fair today –Indicators of discrimination like representation at top management levels, wage gaps, unemployment rates show inequalities (CRRF report based on 1996 census)CRRF report based on 1996 census Results of EEO
EEO does not result in losses to Whites –Percent of unemployed VMs to percent of employed Whites is small Percent of qualified unemployed VMs to employed Whites is smaller –Main causes of job loss are Outsourcing Automation (e.g., computerization) Downsizing Results of EEO
Outsourcing VMs employment Whites’ unemployment What affects Whites’ unemployment Automation Downsizing
If Jewish/Asian people can advance, why not those of African descent? –History of African Canadians (slavery, forced migration, legal segregation) –Perceived racial differences are harder to overcome Comparing VM groups
Can’t repair the effects of discrimination with EEO –Discrimination is a result of prejudice, attitudes, stereotyping and societal structures –EEO is an effort to overcome causes of discrimination, via a change in societal structure Definition of EEO & Discrimination
Organizational Norms Individuals’ Prejudice & Stereotype Discrimination + +
Organizational Norms Individuals’ Prejudice & Stereotype Discrimination EEO regulations + - +
EEO undermines self-esteem of women and VM –Results of laboratory experiments do not generalize to employee survey results To Whites –EEO increases job satisfaction & org commitment in beneficiaries Results of EEO
Support for EEO implies support for hiring unqualified candidates over qualified ones –EEO Hiring involves choosing among Equally qualified candidates Comparable candidates –Differences b/w qualifications is not significant Unequal candidates –Meet min requirements for job Unqualified candidates –Do not meet min requirements for jobs Types of EEO
Depends on whether procedural justice concerns are violating when implementing EEO –What is procedural justice? Depends on type of EEO prog (see previous slide) Public Support for EEO
EEO is a social experiment by liberal democrats –Is this really relevant for Canada? Political backing for EEO
Racism is exaggerated People in Canada do not notice race Mentioning racism or addressing racism constitutes reverse racism towards Whites If racial discrimination did not occur in the past, it didn’t occur in the present, & won’t occur in the future Racialized people are… –less credible, too sensitive, manipulative in use of race card, to blame for racism. Immigrants… –take away jobs, commit more crime, drain Canadian system, do not fit. Myths in the Human rights doc