Our very own website Last year, PFLCW launched its official website featuring the ePinayStore. It is an online micro business tool for micro, small and medium Pinay entrepreneurs who do not have access to capital for expanding and marketing their products. Visit for
sell products There are two ways to increase profitability and product demand using the online market: sell products to targeted consumers and trade items of comparable value on a trust basis.
ePinayStore offers… Webshop selling – As a seller, you are providing great service and convenience to customers by introducing your products to them and meeting their needs.
Online Trading/Bartering – It allows you barter your products with other suppliers. Product trading, if properly managed, is an effective method of increasing sales, conserving cash for essential expenditures, moving inventory and exchanging unproductive assets for valuable products. Without the use of money, you can directly exchange your product for another product of the same value and have a wide range of goods to sell in your market. ePinayStore offers…
Benefits of ePinayStore For traders and sellers – Helps build sustainable business capabilities with less capital requirements. – Increases product visibility and profitability – Offers new ways of reducing overhead costs – Facilitates easy introduction of products to different markets – Strengthens members’ business partnership through product trading – Provides access to thousands of trading partners and suppliers
For customers – provides high level of convenience for customers by giving them a broader selection and making your products accessible online 24/7
For more information, please contact… Philippine Federation of Local Councils of Women (PFLCW), Inc. 3rd Flr. Richwell Bldg. 25 Quezon Avenue, Quezon City Tel. No Fax No Website: