Cooking Terms—(67) Foods—Unit 8
Cooking Terms Bake Broil Dry heat without a cover Under direct heat source
Cooking Terms Barbecue Baste Cook over hot coals Keep moist & add flavor
Cooking Terms Batter Bread Flour & liquid mixture Coat with crumbs & egg
Cooking Terms Beat Blend Mix or stir quickly Mix until combined
Cooking Terms Braise Brown Seared & then simmered Cooking in hot fat until brown
Cooking Terms Candy Caramelization Sugar syrup until coated Cooking in sugar until brown
Cooking Terms Coat Core Thoroughly cover a food Remove center part of food
Cooking Terms Cream Cut in Beat until fluffy Combine solid fat with dry ingredients
Cooking Terms Deep Fry Dice Large amount of hot fat Small cubes even size
Cooking Terms Dredge Dress Dipping in a dry ingredient Before cooking Trim & clean poultry & fish
Cooking Terms Equivalent Flake Same expressed differently Break fish into small pieces
Cooking Terms Flour Fold Sprinkle or coat with flour Add dry ingredients gently to an air filled mixture
Cooking Terms Fry Garnish Cook in hot fat Decorate with edible items
Cooking Terms Glaze Grate Sugar syrup producing a shiny covering Shred food by rubbing on a grater
Cooking Terms Grease Grilling Coat food or utensil with oil Short order cooking on a griddle
Cooking Terms Julienne Knead Cut into long narrow strips Fold-press-squeeze dough usually with your hands
Cooking Terms Marinate Mince Soak food liquid & seasoning to improve flavor Tiny cuts
Cooking Terms Mold Pan Broil Shape using a form Cook without fat & pour off fat as it accumulates
Cooking Terms Parboil Pare Boil first & then cook in a different way Remove outer covering with a knife or peeler
Cooking Terms Pit Poach Remove seed of fruit or vegetable Cook in simmering liquid
Cooking Terms Preheat Puree Heat oven before baking Blend into a thick paste—no lumps
Cooking Terms Quarter Recipe Cut into 4 equal parts Instructions for preparing food
Cooking Terms Reconstitute Reduce Return to previous state by adding water Decrease liquid by boiling
Cooking Terms Roast Roll Cook in the oven with dry heat Shape into round mass + flatten dough to an even thickness with rolling pin
Cooking Terms Saute Scald Cook in small amount of fat—flipping frequently Heat just below the boiling point
Cooking Terms Scallop Score Cover with sauce & bake Small, shallow cuts on food
Cooking Terms Season Sift Add spices to increase flavor Put ingredient into a sifter to remove lumps
Cooking Terms Simmer Skim Cook just below the boiling point Remove a substance from the surface of a food
Cooking Terms Sliver Steam Cut into long slender pieces Cook with vapor produced by boiling liquid without allowing food to contact the liquid
Cooking Terms Steep Sterilize Let stand in boiling water to extract flavor (tea) To make free of living microorganisms & bacteria
Cooking Terms Stew Stir Fry Cook in liquid for a long time to season together Even pieces of food cook quickly in a wok
Cooking Terms Strain Toast Separate solids from a liquid Make surface of food brown by direct heat
Cooking Terms Truss Whip Binding the wings & legs with string to prepare baking the bird To beat rapidly –to incorporate air
Cooking Terms Yield Used on recipes Number of servings a recipe makes How many are you serving?