SFT Group Meeting October 24th SFT Group NewsPere Mato 2. Geant4 Workshop HighlightsAlberto Ribon 3. CernVM StatusPredrag Buncic 4. Experience with the Drupal CMSFons Rademakers 5. AOB
SFT S o F T w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t f o r E x p e r i m e n t s Staff Movements Arrivals Eoin Smith has start as Fellow on 1 st September ( Multi-core project with Vincenzo) Victor Diez has started as Technical Student on 1 st September ( Geant4 project with Gunter) Roberto Gracia has started as Technical Student on 16 th September ( ROOT project with Bertrand) Departures Leo Franco left on 31 th August Tatiana Nikitina will leave the group at the end of October Kate Dziedziniewicz will be transferred and join IT-DM in November
SFT S o F T w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t f o r E x p e r i m e n t s Group summary expenses – 2008 White paper project allocation 2008 : WP8 : 45 kCHF(fresh money) WP9 : 60 kCHF (fresh money) (*) not yet completed
SFT S o F T w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t f o r E x p e r i m e n t s Forthcoming Events IEEE 2008 NSS-MIC October 2008 in Dresden, Germany 2 people from Geant4 team are participating ACAT 2008 3-7 November 2008 in Erice, Sicily 7 people from the group will be participating CHEP 2009 March 2009 Prague, Czech Republic Abstract submission deadline November 13 th 2008
HR-SMD-Learning & Development Section / sdc 22 oct SW & SW Technology I Object Oriented Programming OO Analysis & Design Design Patterns Python Intro Advanced Project Intro Advanced JEE: Web App JEE: JavaBeans Java C++ Intro Advanced Templates/STL Exceptions Project C++ for particle physicists Databases Databases & DB Design Oracle OCP Server Perf. Tuning High Availability Adv Backup & Recovery Memory Mgmt Queries/App SQL PL/SQL Advanced SQL Advanced PL/SQL SQL Tuning Applications JDeveloper – Appl w/ ADF JavaDB iDS Designer – First Class APEX Forms Developer …
HR-SMD-Learning & Development Section / sdc 22 oct SW & SW Technology II SWE ITIL Foundations (v3) Software Engineering in the Small & Large Other Perl, Intro + Adv XML Special JCOP, PVSS + FSM CERN Openlab: Multithreading & Parallelism CERN Openlab: Computer Architecture & Performance Tuning Linux User Course System Administrator
SFT S o F T w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t f o r E x p e r i m e n t s Based on Sharepoint
SFT S o F T w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t f o r E x p e r i m e n t s A.O.B Audio/Video system in 32-1-A24 Installed provisionally new Tandberg in “try & buy” Feedback received has been positive We will go ahead. Total cost ~15k (50% SFT) Christmas Dinner We need to start looking at the different possibilities Inform Nathalie if you have ideas/suggestions of activities, venues, etc.