Multistate models UF 2015
Outline Description of the model Data structure and types of analyses Multistate with 2 and 3 states Assumptions GOF
Multistate Models First developed by Arnason (1972, 1973) and almost completely ignored Developed independently by Hestbeck et al. (1991) Modern development: Brownie et al. (1993), Schwarz et al. (1993) Reviews by Lebreton et al. (2002, J. Appl. Stat), Kendall and Nichols (2004, Condor), Kendall (2004, Animal Biodiversity & Conservation)
Multistate Models: Data Structure Open capture-recapture study At each capture, animals are categorized by “state” Location (Hestbeck et al. 1991) Size class (Nichols et al. 1992) Breeding state (Nichols et al. 1994) Disease state (Jennelle et al., 2007) State of an animal may change from 1 period to the next
Multistate Models: Capture History Data Capture history: no longer adequate to use just 1’s and 0’s 0 still denotes no capture Assign a positive number or letter to each state e.g., with 3 states: 1, 2, 3 Example: 3-site system Possible histories: 10310, 00201
Multistate Models: Notation t rs = probability that animal in state r at sample period t is alive in state s at sample period t+1 p t r = probability that animal in state r at sample period t is captured
Multistate Models 3 states
Multistate Models: Capture History Expectations AAB:
Multistate Models: Capture History Expectations
Multistate Models: Decomposition of t rs Sometimes reasonable and desirable to decompose t rs into survival and movement components: S t r = probability that animal in state r at period t survives until period t+1 t rs = probability that animal in state r at period t and alive at period t+1, is in state s at t+1
Multistate Models 3 states
Parameter Estimation Data: numbers of new releases each period and number of animals with each capture history Model: probability structure for each capture history Maximum likelihood (e.g., programs MARK, MSSURVIV, MSURGE)
Metapopulation model
Evaluation of hypotheses
No diseaseDisease S i N i ND S i D i DN Disease States
Capture Histories (k = 3 years) NNN 0BN Survival depends on where you start. Transition “ “ “ “ “ Capture depends on where you end up
B N History B0B (2 possibilities) 1 2 B N 1 2
Capture Histories (k = 3 years) NNN 0BN B0B
Multistate model assumptions Transition from a given state must sum to 1
Multinomial logit transformation for 3 states What about 2 states?
Multistate model assumptions Within state, age, sex, etc., all animals equally likely to survive, move to given location, be detected Marks do not affect survival or movement, are not lost, are recorded correctly Each animal acts independently with respect to survival, movement, detection Each state observable State is correctly assigned each time
Multistate model assumptions t rs = probability that animal in state r at period t and alive at period t+1, is in state s at t+1, given that alive at t+1. In other words if in state A at t, ind. survive at rate S A (e.g., not S B ). Then (move or stay) at t+1 to another state (e.g., B, or the same [A]): “survive and then move” “Move and then survive”
Multistate model assumptions Transition probabilities do not depend on previous state S at t does not depend on S at t-1 Nichols et al. developed a “memory model” that relaxes this assumption S at t depends on S at t-1 MS-Surviv
Multistate models: why bother? Transitions might be interesting biologically Reduces heterogeneity in survival or capture probability by partitioning animals.
Multi-site model tools MSSURVIV (J. Hines) Includes memory model Can define which movement probability by subtraction Can choose between estimating survival and transition separately or together MARK (G. White) Can define which movement probability by subtraction Multinomial logit transformation Can include individual and group covariates (e.g., weight, age, climatological) MSURGE (Choquet et al.) GOF test (UCARE) Powerful model specification feature
GOF testing UCARE Median c-hat
Local minima Starting values Simple models Simulated annealing MCMC: R-hat
What you should know… Parameters of interest Assumptions Example of applications GOF