Financial Results of Technodinamika Holding Company for 2014 Setting New Standards
2 For 3 years, the Holding Company has shown a steady growth of its key indicators x Output per worker, RUB million / worker Output per worker increased 1.9 times In , the revenue increased 1.5 times Dividends increased 5 times Net profit increased 4 times x x x actual actual actual 2012 actual 0.04 Revenue, RUB billionNet profit, RUB billion Dividends, RUB billion 2014 actual 2013 actual 2011 actual 2012 actual 2014 actual 2013 actual 2011 actual 2012 actual 2014 actual 2013 actual 2011 actual 2012 actual
3 Implementation of initiatives successfully launched in 2014 will ensure the sustainable development of the Holding Company Centralizing procurement Centralizing sales GoalsExamples of implemented initiativesInitiatives Centralizing technology competence Centralization of sales in 5 subsidiaries ensured the growth of sales by 5% The pilot project in 6 subsidiaries allowed saving 3.5% of the procurement volume amid the inflation rate of 11% (RUB 86 million of savings) Moving 50% of Holding Company's product range to Ufa Assembly Production Organization (UAPO) allowed increasing net profit by RUB 15 million Launching the casting competence center in UAPO and mastering the production of 30 semi-finished products Organizing a "one-stop shop" for clients Reducing the procurement costs by 3.5% Reducing the production costs by 20-30% Improving quality Effective cost management Reorganization of non-production units of Gidravlika allowed cutting costs by more than RUB 150 million a year In the Holding Company, the cost reduction program allowed reducing the costs by RUB 100 million. In Kotlas Electromechanical Plant (KEMZ), the cost reduction program for fuel and energy resources led to more than two-fold increase in net profit Implementing comprehensive cost management program Reducing general administrative expenses down to 3.9% of revenues
4 Implemented efficiency improvement program allowed overcoming the difficult situation in the liquidity market Loan portfolio Net debt /EBITDA Interest rate risks Currency risks In 2014, the loan portfolio remained virtually unchanged and amounted to RUB 2.6 billion at the end of the year At the end of the year, Net debt / EBITDA ratio was 0.35 Low Net debt / EBITDA ratio significantly reduces the interest rate risks of the Holding Company Foreign currency related purchases and sales are fairly balanced, which allowed minimizing the currency risks
5 In 2015, the Holding Company will continue its dynamic development actual actual actual plan Output per worker, RUB million / worker Output per worker will increase by 20% In 2015, the revenue will increase by 26% Dividends will increase by 35% Consolidated net profit will grow by 31% actual actual actual actual actual actual plan plan actual actual 2013 actual 0.11 Revenue, RUB billionNet profit, RUB billion Dividends, RUB billion 2015 plan
6 We plan to consistently increase the transparency of our business to shareholders, creditors and customers IFRS statements AS 9100 Quality Management System Preparing audited IFRS statements for 2014 Preparing unaudited IFRS statements on a quarterly basis Quarterly publication of key operating and financial results 7 plants certified Certification of the management company and 2 plants expected in 2015 Quality audits by our customers Increasing the transparency of the company Increasing the confidence of partners and investors Expanding financing opportunities and reducing the cost of financing AreasMeasures
7 Our results are consistent with the main Strategic Goal of becoming a global player and one of top five industry leaders Integrator competences Low High Aircraft systems range Narrow Wide Small and medium-sized producers Top 5 in the world Tier 2 suppliers Integrators
8 The Holding Company launched key initiatives to implement its strategy Organizing the production competence centers 50% of Yakor's product range moved to UAPO, a plan to move Mayak to UAPO was developed and is currently being implemented Developing plans to move the production from subsidiaries with high costs to competence centers Establishing the technology competence centers Launched a casting competence center in UAPO and mastered the production of 30 semi-finished products Optimizing a 24/7 capacity utilization Centralizing the Design Bureau Established a distributed design center with 6 branches Performed all planned works; actively working on system integration Established competences for designing small gas turbine engine, air-conditioning system and fuel system Effective cost management Implementing unified organizational structures Centralized the payment management Implementing the plan to reduce overhead expenses and material costs by 10% Reducing the production costs by 20-30% Improving quality Integrator competences in 12 systems by 2017 Twofold reduction of the development period Implementing comprehensive cost management program Reducing general administrative expenses down to 3.9% of revenues
9 By implementing its key innovation projects, the Holding Company will ensure the development of its product portfolio in the years ahead Smaller, lighter, more powerful, and less expensive Power supply system for SSJ- 100 and MC-21 Fire protection system for SSJ-100 Oxygen system for MC-21 Air Power Unit (APU) Moving on the ground with engines off Cylinders lighter by 20% Improved handling 20% lighter 10% less expensive Versatility Increasingly electric aircraft 30% more powerful 8% lighter Motor wheel Neutral gas system for MС-21 Lighter with a new membrane unit Goal: import substitution and doubling sales by 2020
10 With improved efficiency and development, we plan to double the capitalization of Technodinamika by 2018 Growth of Holding Company's capitalization, RUB billion Development of production 2014 Increasing of management efficiency Development of product portfolio 2017 х2 Additional purchase of assets