Retell the passage. Kate (tidy) ThingsWhere books and tapes keys clock in the bookcase in her schoolbag on the desk.


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Presentation transcript:

Retell the passage. Kate (tidy) ThingsWhere books and tapes keys clock in the bookcase in her schoolbag on the desk

Gina (not tidy) ThingsWhere books model plane keys, ruler, schoolbag everywhere (on her bed, on the sofa, under the chair) under the desk don’t know

I’m Kate, and my sister is Gina. I’m tidy, but Gina is not. In our room, my books and tapes are in the bookcase. My keys are in my schoolbag. I have a clock. It’s on the desk.

Gina’s books are everywhere – on her bed, on the sofa and under the chair. The white model plane is hers. It’s under the desk. “Where are my keys? Where’s my ruler? Where’s my schoolbag?” Gina always asks.

Do you have these things? Where are they? 3a3a

WhatYes/NoWhere a dictionary yes on my desk a schoolbag a pencil box a radio books pens tapes CDs yes on the sofa yesin my schoolbag yes / noon my bed yesin the bookcase yes /noin my pencil box yes / no under the English books yes under my tape player

Write about where the things are in your room. Use the word and if you can. 3b3b

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ ____________________________________ _________________________________________ ______________________________________ ________________________________________ 1. My dictionary and my radio are on the desk. 2. My pencil box is in my schoolbag and my schoolbag is under the desk.

写作指导: 1. 表达物体的位置的句子结构为: “ 事物 + is / are + 介词短语 ” 。 2. 如果两个事物都在同一个地方,可以用 and 将这两个事物连在一起来表达, be 动 词用 are 。 3. 也可以用 and 将两个 “ 事物 + is/are + 介 词短语 ” 的句子相连。

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ _____________ My tape recorder and tapes are in the bookcase. My clock is on the desk and my model plane is on the table. My pens and erasers are in the schoolbag. My keys are on the sofa and my baseball is under the sofa.

desk, __________________________________ Write the things in your room. tablechairsofa bed bookcase Furniture 家具

pencil, __________________________________ ________________________________________ ______________________ Write the things in your room. penrulerseraser pencil box dictionarybooksschoolbagEnglish book Chinese book notebook Stationery 文具

watch, ______________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Write the things in your room. keyscupcomputer baseball computer gameTV clockradio tape hat tape recordermodel plane orange Other 其他

Write the things in your classroom with in, on and under. The tape player is on the teacher’s desk. ____________________________________ The tapes are in the bookcase. The clock is on the wall. The basketball is under the teacher’s desk. The books are on the students’ desk. The schoolbags are in the students’ desk.


The tape player is on the teacher’s desk. ____________________________________

一、写出下列词组。 1. 在他的书包里 _____________ 2. 在课桌下 ____________ 3. 在椅子上 __________ 4. 在模型飞机下面 __________________ 5. 在女孩子们的头上 _______________ 6. 在老师的讲桌里 _________________ 7. 在我爷爷奶奶的房间里 ______________________ in his schoolbag under the desk on the chair under the model plane on the girls’ head in the teacher’s desk in my grandparents’ room

1. — Is the baseball under the chair? — Yes, it is. 2. — Where are the pencils? — They are in the pencil case. 3. — Where is the telephone? — It is on the table. 4. — Are the keys in your schoolbag? — I don’t know. B C A D 二、给对话选择恰当的图片。

三、选择填空。 1. — Is your photo in the drawer? — ____. A. Yes, I am B. No, I’m not C. No, it isn’t

2. — ___ are your cousins? — ___ are on the sofa. A. Where; He B. Where; They C. How; She

3. — ____ under the tree? — No, they aren’t. A. Where are B. Is it C. Are they

4. — _____ is the baseball? — _____ under the bed. A. Where; It’s B. How; It’s C. What; They’re

5. My quilt is _____ the bed and my shoes ( 鞋子 ) are _____ the bed. A. in, on B. on, under C. under, in

1. -- Where _____ the cat? -- It is ___ ___ ____ Where _____ the computer? -- It’s ___ _____ _____ Where is the family photo? -- ___ ___ wall Where are the students? -- _______ ___ the classroom Where are the books? -- They are _____ ___ _____. 四、看图完成下列对话。 is in the box is on the desk It’s on They’re in under the chair

A: Where ___ my English book? B: I _____ know. Is it ___ your schoolbag? A: No, it _____. B: Is it ___ your desk? A: ____, it isn’t. B: Is ___ on the teacher’s desk? A: No, it _____. B: Oh, look! ___ ____ the teacher’s chair. A: I see it, too. Thanks. is don’tin isn’t on No it isn’t It’s on 五、读对话,填上正确的单词。

六、选择正确选项补全对话。 A. Are they under your book? B. They are on the sofa. C. where are my keys? D. Thanks. E. Sorry, I don’t know.

A: Mum, ______ (1) B: Your keys? _______ (2) Are they in your pencil-box? A: No, they aren’t. B: ________ (3) A: No. I can’t see them there. B: Look! ________ (4) A: Oh, yes, so they are here. _______ (5) C E A B D

1. 看右图,用介词 in, on, under 写几句话描 述一下图画里的事物 的位置。 2. Review Section B.