新安小学 陈玉贞
chair China
Where is the ruler? It’s on the chair. 哪儿
Where is the ruler? It’s under the chair. 哪儿
It’s in the desk. Where is the ruler?
On, on, on the chair. Under, under, under the desk. In, in, in the pencil box.
Where is the ball? It’s ___ the box.
Let’s play : Guessing game: Where is the ball ? It’s ___ the box. 每组选一位同学猜猜球在哪儿,猜对可为本组加 ★ on under in
It’s in the box.
It’s on the desk. Where is the monkey?
It’s under the chair. Where is the monkey?
Where is the pen? It’s under the chair.
Where is the bag? It’s under the desk.
Where is the pencil box? It’s on the chair.
Where is the book? It’s in the box.
Where is my pen? It’s in your desk. 找 一 找找 一 找找 一 找找 一 找
D e s c r i b e : On the desk. In the desk. Under the desk. On the chair.
Homework 2.Copy the new words each for 4 times. (抄写新词 4 遍,中文 1 遍) 1. Read P39 for 15 minutes.( 听读 P39 15 分钟 )