Jr. Teenager of the Month Sponsored by Golden Spike Elks and Doe Lodge #719
What is a portfolio? A portfolio is a wonderful tool for selling yourself and showcasing your work. "Me Inc." Process for showcasing you "proof" or evidence; samples of accomplishments "show-me"
Why do a portfolio? dollar scholarship. 2. Experience doing a portfolio. -More aware of what kinds of things to collect and keep for future portfolios -Already know how to put a portfolio together because you’ve done it once
What’s my competition? Every school in Utah north of Kaysville; including these school districts: –Davis –Weber –Morgan –Box Elder –Cache
Title page Must be the first page in your portfolio and must include the following items: –Your full name –Parents full name –Address –Birth date/ phone number –School and grade –Activities, achievements, and hobbies
What should I include? The selection is made on the basis of multiple achievements - character, leadership, service, citizenship, and scholarship. Report cards, certificates, letters of recommendation, trophies, medals, ribbons, pictures, newspaper articles, and anything that makes you look good.
Do Include report cards, community service and other accomplishments grades 7-9 Include only 1 time opportunities from elementary school. Check your spelling Use a new or clean 3-ring binder
How do I get started?
Table of contents Put after the title page of your portfolio Include by category, everything that you are going to put in your portfolio.
Chapters/Sections Organize your portfolio so you have a section for each area they are looking for: –Character –Leadership –Service –Citizenship –Scholarship
When are they due? Elks select a male and a female student as the Jr. teenager of the month every month, October through April. In May they select a Jr. teenager of the year from the monthly winners. Yearly winners receive an additional $200 scholarship. Portfolios are due to the counseling center by the 25 th of each month.
Selection Process Each month a 9 th grade boy and girl will be selected from the school and submitted to the Elks by the first of the month. Your portfolio remains part of the pool until you are selected or the program ends in April. You may make changes to your portfolio any time. You will be notified if you are a winner.
Recognition You will be invited to the Golden Spike Elks meeting held on the third Monday of the month at 8:00 PM at the lodge in Roy. Parents, grandparents, and other relatives are all invited to attend. Feel free to bring a camera and take pictures. Portfolios will be returned in May.