When you want to understand a passage... a beginner’s guide
‣ Observe: What does the text say? ‣ Interpret: What does the text mean? ‣ Apply: What does the text mean for us? ‣ Observe: What does the text say? ‣ Interpret: What does the text mean? ‣ Apply: What does the text mean for us?
An example: Colossians 4:5 ‘Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.’ An example: Colossians 4:5 ‘Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.’
Observe. What does the text say? Paul calls us to be ‘wise’ in the ways that we relate to a group of people it calls ‘outsiders’. Paul also tells us not to waste any ‘opportunities’.
Interpret. What does the text mean? ‣ What constitutes wisdom? ‘Fear of the Lord’ (Pr 1:7) (i.e. respect / awe), ‘Wise as serpents’ (Mt 10:16) ‣ What’s an ‘opportunity’? wasted or otherwise...? Context of proclaiming and talking about Jesus (Col 4:4,6)
Apply. What does the text mean for us? ‣ We should put God first (fear him above any other, allowing his word to govern our lives instead of cultural pressures, being discerning in our interactions with non-Christians) ‣ We should take the opportunities God gives us to talk about our faith to people outside our church. ‣.... and more.... What does the text mean for us? ‣ We should put God first (fear him above any other, allowing his word to govern our lives instead of cultural pressures, being discerning in our interactions with non-Christians) ‣ We should take the opportunities God gives us to talk about our faith to people outside our church. ‣.... and more....
‘Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.’ (Col 4:5) Live discerning lives, according to the Bible, instead of by culture; and talk about Jesus with the people you know outside Church whenever you can.
‣ Observe: What does the text say? ‣ Interpret: What does the text mean? ‣ Apply: What does the text mean for us? ‣ Observe: What does the text say? ‣ Interpret: What does the text mean? ‣ Apply: What does the text mean for us?