DDI Process modelling "working group" Steve McEachern Dagstuhl workshop, 22 October, 2012
Summary Origins: Impetus for the group Meetings Use cases Potential models Next steps
Origins DDI qualitative working group, Nov 2011: processes for qualitative data collection and archiving (Various) Follow-up with UK Data Archive and ICPSR re archival processing and provenance (SMcE) GSIM development and ABS implementation (ABS) National Child Study (Jay Greenfield) May 2012: IASSIST discussion o Background paper - Arofan:
Meetings June 2012: Initial teleconference o Meeting notes: July 2012: Canberra meeting following RC33 conference o Meeting notes:
Use cases Various stages of the DDI lifecycle, including (but not limited to): Data production - questionnaire design, data collection, sampling Data analysis - analysis procedures, results generation, publication process Data archiving - data ingest, processing and publication Potential use cases are covered in: o Arofan's background paper o Meeting notes from teleconference
Potential aims for a model Alistair Hamilton, ABS 1.a) Historical documentation o Should be readily achievable 2.b) Design time o Introduction for the purposes of documentation would likely be useful o Making this machine actionable might be more problematic o May be better to figure out points of exit / handshake to other standards 3.c) Run time??
Points of departure - comments from Canberra meeting Should we include process in DDI? o Need to think somewhat about this more generally for DDI. o Should DDI be able to “do everything”? What should be in or out of scope? Suggestion therefore is to stay away from the more complex elements (particularly run time). Alternative is to look at models like GSIM, and see how that might be related into existing elements of DDI - particularly lifecycle events.
Potential models Wendy - starting model for discussion o Document: GSIM - UNECE/ABS o Documentation: GLBPM - Marcel Hebing o Documentation: Original model - Comments re process models -
Next steps From Canberra meeting: a) Development of a bare-bones model - Wendy Thomas volunteered to outline this model, and Jay Greenfield has volunteered to compare that to his existing NCS use cases b) Review paper on existing standards that might form a starting point for DDI (or that DDI could provide external reference to) - Herve, I'm not sure if you indicated you could work on this??
Next steps (2) c) Development of a set of detailed use cases for process metadata requirements across various DDI "user types". - Data archives (UKDA/ICPSR/ADA) to develop a common "archive processing" use case, based on Herve's initial - NSIs, based around recent work on GSIM - "Data lifecycle" usecases - eg. "data collection", "longitudinal data", "administrative data" - from those with a particular interest in these sections of the lifecycle
Next steps (3) d) Development of a working paper outlining the broad requirements of a DDI process model and relevant elements - Requirements, Possible Usecases and Potential Solutions (integrating a-c) e) Establishment of a formal DDI working group - Steve to discuss with Mary Vardigan