Nuclear medicine By: Erin O’Reilly
Uses of Nuclear medicine Nuclear medicine can be used to find broken bones, cancer, infections, Blood flow, Internal bleeding, blockages, over-active/under-active thyroids, Kidney Function, Breathing and Arthritis. Nuclear medicine can be used to scan the Brain, Mouth, Thyroid, Kidney, bones, Heart, Lungs, liver, spleen and the entire body (for tumors). *check next slide for picture*
How it’s done Radioactive material is either injected into your veins or is given orally. The material gathers in your organs and begins to emit gamma rays. Some times the images can be taken hours after getting the radioactivity but other times you must wait days or weeks. A Gamma Camera can detect these rays and gives a picture of the organs and blood flow and allows you to watch as the organs function as opposed to an X-ray with just a still picture.
Picture taken with nuclear medicine
Is it dangerous? The risks are the same as a standard X-ray. The does of radioactive material is very small and there have been no known long term affects from nuclear medicine. If you are pregnant it could harm the fetus so it’s best If you don’t do it while pregnant. In rare cases people will have allergic reactions to the radioactive materials. There will be minor discomfort from the needle for the injection and possibly from lying still for a long period (45 minutes to an hour)
How it began Radioactivity was first discovered by Henri Becquerel and from there X-rays were discovered. Many other discoveries about radioactivity took place until a society of Nuclear Medicine was made. Dr. Marshall Brucer was the first Chairman of the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies where they discussed the use of Radioactivity in diagnosing medical problems. Dr. Brucer describes the first meeting: "About 10 to 15 persons highly trained in some other branch of science tried to learn how to use radioisotopes and had a hell of a lot of fun learning."
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