By: Jeff Baker
Lions have strong legs so they can run fast. They have very sharp claws to catch their prey And they have very sharp teeth to eat their prey. Lions
Giraffes Giraffes have a long neck to reach leaves on a tree. Long legs to make it reach it’s food on trees. Spots to make it blend in from predators.
Zebras Long legs to run fast and get away from predators. Stripes to blend in with one and another. Big ears to let heat out of it’s body.
The major vegetation is grass. Grasses are adapted to hot and dry areas. They have long narrow leaves that loses less water than larger leaves. The roots of are long so they can acquire water during long droughts. They are very strong growers, accumulating large patches of grass during growing season. No wonder grass grows great in the grassland. Vegetation
Food Chain Producer Giraffe Herbivore Lion Carnivore carnivore Hyena Decomposer Earthworm
Why do humans negatively impact such a beautiful biome? Humans have destroyed many square miles of grasslands. Farmers go to the grassland for more rich soil. And they also use the long grass for food for raising cattle. Some come to the grassland is used to hunt animals for valuable body parts. Such as an elephant hunters hunt them for there tusks therefore many animals are dying. Why do humans destroy grasslands? Humans are doing some good things to the grassland. The government put 1 % of the grasslands where nobody can farm or hunt this area. Many animals are living now and there is a lot more grass in this area. There is still a lot of hunters in the grasslands but not in this area. Many of these animals were close to extinction but they are no longer close. Human Impact