8/14/04J. Bard and J. W. Barnes Operations Research Models and Methods Copyright All rights reserved Lecture 11 – Stochastic Processes Topics Definitions Review of probability Realization of a stochastic process Continuous vs. discrete systems Examples Classification scheme
2 Basic Definitions Stochastic process: System that changes over time in an uncertain manner State: Snapshot of the system at some fixed point in time Transition: Movement from one state to another Examples Automated teller machine (ATM) Printed circuit board assembly operation Runway activity at airport
3 Elements of Probability Theory Experiment: Any situation where the outcome is uncertain. Sample Space, S: All possible outcomes of an experiment (we will call it “state space”). Event: Any collection of outcomes (points) in the sample space. A collection of events E 1, E 2,…,E n is said to be mutually exclusive if E i E j = for all i ≠ j = 1,…,n. Random Variable: Function or procedure that assigns a real number to each outcome in the sample space. Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF), F(·): Probability distribution function for the random variable X such that F(a) = Pr{X ≤ a}.
4 Model Components (continued) Time: Either continuous or discrete parameter. State:Describes the attributes of a system at some point in time. s = (s 1, s 2,..., s v ); for ATM example s = (n) Convenient to assign a unique nonnegative integer index to each possible value of the state vector. We call this X and require that for each s X. For ATM example, X = n. In general, X t is a random variable.
5 Activity:Takes some amount of time – duration. Culminates in an event. For ATM example service completion. Transition:Caused by an event and results in movement from one state to another. For ATM example, Stochastic Process:A collection of random variables {X t }, where t T = {0, 1, 2,...}.
6 Markovian Property Given that the present state is known, the conditional probability of the next state is independent of the states prior to the present state. Present state at time t is i: X t = i Next state at time t + 1 is j: X t+1 = j Conditional Probability Statement of Markovian Property: Pr{X t+1 = j | X 0 = k 0, X 1 = k 1,…,X t = i} = Pr{X t+1 = j | X t = i} for t = 0, 1,…, and all possible sequences i, j, k 0, k 1,..., k t –1.
7 Realization of the Process Deterministic Process Time between arrivals Pr{ t a } = 0, < 1 min = 1, 1 min Arrivals occur every minute. Time for servicing customer Pr{ t s } = 0, < 0.75 min = 1, 0.75 min Processing takes exactly 0.75 minutes. Number in system, n (no transient response)
8 Realization of the Process (continued) Stochastic Process Time for servicing customer Pr{ t s } = 0, < 0.75 min = 0.6, 0.75 1.5 min = 1, 1.5 min Number in system, n
9 Birth and Death Processes Pure Birth Process; e.g., Hurricanes Pure Death Process; e.g., Delivery of a truckload of parcels Birth-Death Process; e.g., Repair shop for taxi company
10 Queueing Systems Queue Discipline:Order in which customers are served; FIFO, LIFO, Random, Priority Five Field Notation: Arrival distribution / Service distribution / Number of servers / Maximum number in the system / Number in the calling population
11 Queueing Notation Distributions (interarrival and service times) M = Exponential D = Constant time E k = Erlang GI = General independent (arrivals only) G = General Parameters s = number of servers K = Maximum number in system N = Size of calling population
12 Characteristics of Queues Infinite queue: e.g., Mail order company (GI/G/s) Finite queue: e.g., Airline reservation system (M/M/s/K) a. Customer arrives but then leaves b. No more arrivals after K
13 Characteristics of Queues (continued) Finite input source: e.g., Repair shop for trucking firm (N vehicles) with s service bays and limited capacity parking lot (K – s spaces). Each repair takes 1 day (GI/D/s/K/N). In this diagram N = K so we have GI/D/s/K/K system.
14 Examples of Stochastic Processes Service Completion Triggers an Arrival: e.g., multistage assembly process with single worker, no queue. state = 0, worker is idle state = k, worker is performing operation k = 1,..., 5
15 Examples (continued) Multistage assembly process with single worker with queue. (Assume 3 stages only) s = (s 1, s 2 ) where { s 1 = number of parts in system s 2 = current operation being performed 3 d 2,1 0,0 1,13,1 a 1 d a a 2,21,23,2 a a 2,31,33,3 aa 2 d 1 d 1 d 2 d 2 d 3 d 3 d … … … Assume k = 1, 2, 3
16 Queueing Model with Two Servers, One Operation s = (s 1, s 2, s 3 ) wheres i = { s 3 = number in queue 0 if server i is idle i = 1, 2 1 if server i is busy State- transition network
17 Series System with No Queues ComponentNotationDefinition State s = (s 1, s 2, s 3 ) State space S = { (0,0,0), (1,0,0),..., (0,1,1), (1,1,1) } The state space consists of all possible binary vectors of 3 components. Activities Y = {a, d 1, d 2, d 3 }a =arrival at operation 1 d j =completion of operation j for j = 1, 2, 3 0 if server i is idle 1 if server i is busy for i = 1, 2, 3 s i = {
18 Transitions for Markov Processes Exponential interarrival and service times (M/M/s) State space: S = {1, 2,...} Probability of going from state i to state j in one move: p ij Theoretical requirements: 0 p ij 1, j p ij = 1, i = 1,…,m State-transition matrix P =
19 Single Channel Queue – Two Kinds of Service Bank teller: normal service (d), travelers checks (c), idle (i) Letp = portion of customers who buy checks after normal service s 1 = number in system s 2 = status of teller, where s 2 {i, d, c} State- transition network
20 Part Processing with Rework Consider a machining operation in which there is a 0.4 probability that upon completion, a processed part will not be within tolerance. Machine is in one of three states: 0 = idle, 1 = working on part for first time, 2 = reworking part. State-transition network a =arrival s 1 =service completion from state 1 s 2 =service completion from state 2
21 Markov Chains A discrete state space Markovian property for transitions One-step transition probabilities, p ij, remain constant over time (stationary) Example: Game of Craps Roll 2 dice:Win = 7 or 11; Loose = 2, 3, 12; otherwise 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 (called point) and roll again win if point loose if 7 otherwise roll again, and so on. (There are other possible bets not include here.)
22 State-Transition Network for Craps
23 Transition Matrix for Game of Craps
24 State-Transition Network for Simple Markov Chain
25 Classification of States Accessible:Possible to go from state i to state j (path exists in the network from i to j). Two states communicate if both are accessible from each other. A system is irreducible if all states communicate. State i is recurrent if the system will return to it after leaving some time in the future. If a state is not recurrent, it is transient.
26 Classification of States (continued) A state is periodic if it can only return to itself after a fixed number of transitions greater than 1 (or multiple of a fixed number). A state that is not periodic is aperiodic. a.Each state visited every 3 iterations b.Each state visited in multiples of 3 iterations
27 Classification of States (continued) An absorbing state is one that locks in the system once it enters. This diagram might represent the wealth of a gambler who begins with $2 and makes a series of wagers for $1 each. Let a i be the event of winning in state i and d i the event of losing in state i. There are two absorbing states: 0 and 4.
28 Classification of States (continued) Class: set of states that communicate with each other. A class is either all recurrent or all transient and may be either all periodic or aperiodic. States in a transient class communicate only with each other so no arcs enter any of the corresponding nodes in the network diagram from outside the class. Arcs may leave, though, passing from a node in the class to one outside.
29 Illustration of Concepts Example 1 Every pair of states communicates, forming a single recurrent class; however, the states are not periodic. Thus the stochastic process is aperiodic and irreducible.
30 Illustration of Concepts Example 2 States 0 and 1 communicate and for a recurrent class. States 3 and 4 form separate transient classes. State 2 is an absorbing state and forms a recurrent class.
31 Illustration of Concepts Example 3 Every state communicates with every other state, so we have irreducible stochastic process. Periodic?Yes, so Markov chain is irreducible and periodic.
32 What you Should know about Stochastic Processes What a state is What a realization is (stationary vs. transient) What the difference is between a continuous and discrete-time system What the common applications are What a state-transition matrix is How systems are classified