SAGE+ LLP-LDV-TOI-SK How long? 64 hours theory module 1: 16h module 2: 16h module 3: 20h module 4: 12h and 40 hours practical training
SAGE+ LLP-LDV-TOI-SK Trainer Workshop SAGE project idea Who will participate in the training? How to work with the handbook and e-learning elements? Overview of all modules Presentation of module material Organisational details: Schedule Practical training Tutoring Remuneration
SAGE+ LLP-LDV-TOI-SK Trainer Handbook Basic structure –Course –Target group –Trainers working with the trainerhandbook –Using of online elements –Further question
SAGE+ LLP-LDV-TOI-SK Training Compendium A. Introduction of the module B. Main aims of the module C. Description of competences D. Characteristics of working with seniors (theoretical input) E. Table : number/Activity/Session/Learning aim/Worksheet F. Activity : Aim, Method, Material/preparations, Time, Description, Evaluation, Variation G. Further references (literature, links)
SAGE+ LLP-LDV-TOI-SK Structuring – Why? Many developers – one structure Saves time for compilating all modules Focus 1: characteristics of working with senior citizens Focus 2: activities, exercises
SAGE+ LLP-LDV-TOI-SK The whole course material Size/extent: 122 pages devided into four modules Content: Gerontology Communication/Moderation Participation Methods Project Management
SAGE+ LLP-LDV-TOI-SK Gerontology Key course elements: Definition of terms The demographic change (facts and consequences) Images/roles of age Ageing in the historic perspective Views of ageing (biological, social, ecological, psychological factors) Social part elderly play in life
SAGE+ LLP-LDV-TOI-SK Communication/Moderation Key course elements: Basics of Communication Communication with Seniors Senior friendly communication Changes which come with age The suitable communication medium Basics of Moderation and Conflict Management Group dynamics Conflict management Moderation and conflict management with seniors
SAGE+ LLP-LDV-TOI-SK Participation Methods Key course elements: Definition of terms Stages of participation Participation of seniors Participation purposes Objectives of participation of seniors Advantages & disadvantages Sticking points of participation Quality criteria Pinciples and activities Introduction and desciption of methods (workshop, future workshop, open space)
SAGE+ LLP-LDV-TOI-SK Project Management Key course elements: Definition of terms The Challange of manageing projects Definition of success The cost – schedule – quality equilibrium Project management functions Planning and scheduling complexe projects Risk analysis & Risk management SWOT Analysis
SAGE+ LLP-LDV-TOI-SK Pilot in Austria Only women Very heterogenous (age, background, expectations, level)
SAGE+ LLP-LDV-TOI-SK Training aspects SAGE training materials were used but supplemented by trainers‘ materials and presentations Moodle Platform
SAGE+ LLP-LDV-TOI-SK Impressions of the group Highly motivated group, very interesting and proactive people, strong personalities Participants‘ quotes: „I‘m so glad that I did this training“ (participant, >80 years) „The trainers were great and we could learn a lot from each other too“ „We‘ve now registered a club called ‚up-wind‘ and want to set up different activities in education management not only for elderly people“
SAGE+ LLP-LDV-TOI-SK Impressions