NCSX 21 March 2003 Reiersen - 1 PDR Preparations Wayne Reiersen NCSX Engineering Meeting 21 March 2003
NCSX 21 March 2003 Reiersen - 2 Definition of a PDR PDR (pe’de-ar) n. 1. A project-level DOE review to determine if the maturity of the project’s design and cost and schedule estimates is adequate to establish the performance baseline. 2. A subsystem-level internal review to determine if all the deliverables for Preliminary Design have been satisfactorily completed. The June PDR will be both a project-level DOE review and a subsystem-level internal review of the Vacuum Vessel (WBS 12) and the Modular Coils (WBS 14)
NCSX 21 March 2003 Reiersen - 3 Requirements for the project level DOE review We need to establish the Preliminary Design Baseline Update the design of the stellarator core to reflect configuration changes since the CDR and incorporate the new modular coil design and vacuum vessel design Update the design of ancillary systems consistent with the updated stellarator core design Update all cost and schedule estimates We need to document the Preliminary Design Baseline Write a Preliminary Design Report (similar to CDR) Provide backup documentation for cost and schedule estimates
NCSX 21 March 2003 Reiersen - 4 Requirements for an internal PDR Performance requirements have been defined A design has been developed that fully meets those requirements All feasibility issues have been resolved Interfaces with other systems have been fully defined Plans for assembly, installation, and test are established Models and drawings have been developed, reviewed, and released at the Preliminary Design level Activities needed to address PDR requirements for the VV and modular coils should be identified in the SEMLs
NCSX 21 March 2003 Reiersen - 5 Foundational milestones Define geometry of stellarator core (21 Feb) Modular coil design from Physics (16 Dec) Winding pack geometry (17 Jan) MC shell and VV geometry (14 Feb) TF/PF geometry (21 Feb) Define turns and current waveforms (14 Mar) Perform flexibility studies (11 Apr)
NCSX 21 March 2003 Reiersen - 6 Key VV PD milestones representative dates Prepare performance specification (28 Feb) Finalize port geometry consistent with diagnostic viewing requirements (14 Mar) Design closure joint (14 Mar) Establish envelopes and location for in-vessel components (4 Apr) Establish port allocations (18 Apr) Complete FMECA, structural, and thermal analyses (25 Apr) Prepare ICDs (9 May) Perform mfg development activities for PDR (9 May) Develop cost and schedule estimates (16 May) Prepare PDR documentation (30 May) and presentations (13 Jun)
NCSX 21 March 2003 Reiersen - 7 Key modular coil milestones again, representative dates Prepare performance specifications (28 Feb) Develop design features – bolted joints, VV supports, shell cutouts, clamps, cooling lines, wings, instrumentation (18 Apr) Perform winding R&D - keystoning tests (7 Feb), material properties and allowables (7 Mar), molding process and VPI in autoclave (21 Mar) Perform FMECA, structural, and thermal analyses (25 Apr) Prepare ICDs (9 May) Perform mfg development activities for PDR for MCWF (9 May) Develop cost and schedule estimates (16 May) Prepare PDR documentation (30 May) and presentations (13 Jun)
NCSX 21 March 2003 Reiersen - 8 Other key milestones again, representative dates Procure SLA model to confirm field period and final assembly (11 Apr) Document plans for field period and final assy (2 May) Complete preliminary design for all systems (2 May) Develop cost and schedule estimates (16 May) Prepare PDR documentation (30 May) and presentations (13 Jun)
NCSX 21 March 2003 Reiersen - 9 Summary We have a coil design! The PDR has slipped until the week of 23 Jun because of the delayed arrival and to put some time between the PDR and the QPS CDR (26 Apr) The PDR will serve two purposes – DOE’s requirements for establishing the performance baseline and our own requirements for proceeding with the Final Design of the VV (WBS 12)and Modular Coils (WBS 14)