Multidisciplinary Ocean Dynamics and Engineering Laboratory: Simulation, Estimation and Assimilation Systems Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department.


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Presentation transcript:

Multidisciplinary Ocean Dynamics and Engineering Laboratory: Simulation, Estimation and Assimilation Systems Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Center for Ocean Engineering, Room 5-428, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA Contacts: Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux or Marcia Munger Pierre F.J. Lermusiaux, Patrick J. Haley Jr., Oleg G. Logutov and Eric V. Heubel

Study, understand and model complex physical and interdisciplinary oceanic dynamics and processes -Regional oceans and seas -Mesoscale dynamics -Biogeochemical-physical processes and Acoustical-physical sensing Utilize and develop of new mathematical models and computational methods for -Ocean predictions and dynamical diagnostics -Optimization and control of autonomous ocean observation systems -Comparisons and combinations of models with data, via data assimilation Present General Thrust of Research Activities

ONR-Core, 6.1 PI 10/01/ /30/07 Physical and Interdisciplinary Regional Ocean Dynamics and Modeling Systems ONR-DRI06, 6.1, PI07/01/06-10/31/10 Interdisciplinary Modeling and Dynamics of Archipelago Straits ONR-MURI-ASAP, 6.1, co-PI 05/01/ /30/09 Adaptive Sampling and Prediction ONR-PLUS, 6.2, co-PI 01/01/ /30/07 Persistent Littoral Undersea Surveillance Network ONR-AWACS, 6.1, co-PI 09/01/ /30/09 Autonomous Wide Aperture Cluster for Surveillance DRI-QPE, ONR 6.1, PI 10/01/06-09/30/07, Planning for possible 5 years Quantifying, Predicting and Exploiting Environmental and Acoustic Fields and Uncertainties Adaptive Sampling RTP (Specific for Computer Cluster) Pending NASA-MODIS, Co-PI. 09/01/07-08/31/10 Tracing the fate of dissolved terrestrial carbon in the coastal ocean: An integrated study using MODIS satellite data, land flux models, and Lagrangian tracers (NSPIRES, NNH06ZDA001N-EOS). ORION Cyberinfrastructure Current Research Funding

ASAP Overview – November 6, 2006

ASAP Team Additional Collaboratoring PI’s: Jim Bellingham (Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute) Yi Chao (Jet Propulsion Lab) Sharan Majumdar (U. Miami) Mark Moline (Cal Poly) Igor Shulman (Naval Research Lab, Stennis) MURI Principal Investigators: Russ Davis (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) David Fratantoni (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) Pierre Lermusiaux (MIT) Jerrold Marsden (Caltech) Alan Robinson (Harvard) Henrik Schmidt (MIT) Co-Leaders, MURI Principal Investigators: Naomi Leonard (Princeton) and Steven Ramp (Naval Postgraduate School)

Persistent Littoral Undersea Surveillance Network (PLUSNet) Lead: Kuperman, Schmidt et al. End-to-end System components  Adaptive Environmental and Tactical Assessment and Predictions with distributed network of fixed and mobile sensors for improved DCL  Coordination via network control architecture and covert communications  System level concept demonstration in three years Modeling Research Thrusts  Multi-scale and non-hydrostatic nested ocean modeling  Coupled physical-acoustical DA in real-time  Acoustical-physical nonlinear adaptive sampling with ESSE and AREA