Census -Census: Official population count -Started in 1790 needed to know population to determine representation in Congress -completed every ten years -asks many other questions to find out information about the lives of Americans
Nation of Immigrants -All Americans are either immigrants or the descendants of an immigrant ** E Pluribus Unum- “out of many one -Native Americans- Crossed land bridge connective Asia w/ N America following food -Spanish- 1500s looking for gold Settled in Florida, Cali, Southwest -English, French, Africans 1600s-1700s -Other Europeans- late s Dutch Irish, German, Scots, Swedes -Asians and Latinos- last 50 years
Immigration Limits -mid 1800’s some discrimination begins against immigrants -fear of jobs and land being lost by those already here -1920’s saw National Origins Act which limited immigration based on nationality saw modern quota system implemented (675,000) -refugees are the exception to the immigration quotas -People who have fled their homes because war, famine or oppression -
REFUGEE CAMP, SUDAN. Darfur. Children playing among thousands of makeshift huts in El-Geneina refugee camp. The temporary homes are built from branches and plastic sheets. More than 70,000 people have died from diseases caused by lack of sanitation.
Population Growth -Early population growth -large influx of immigrants -naturally high birthrates -Today -declining birthrate $$ to have children Divorce rate is higher Ppl putting off marriage/kids -fastest growing part of our population: South and Western part of country- ppl moving out of big cities Why? Crowded, crime, traffic, affordable housing shortage…
Where We Live -4 great shifts in our population -mid 1800’s saw people move from farms(rural) to cities (urban) -late 1800’s, early 1900’s saw African Americans moving into northern areas B/c they were free -late 1900’s saw shift toward the south and southwest U.S. Cities too crowded -late 1900’s saw move toward living in suburbs of cities Outside of cities
Changing Nation -The United States changes with every Census -Language barriers: Immigrants coming in do not commit to learning the language - bi-lingual areas -cultural barriers -religious barriers -aging population: Baby boomers: 55 and up entering retirement and Social security age. What we are facing is a smaller group of people having to support a larger group fear Social Security running out BEFORE we ( you and I) get a chance to receive it. That is why the age has increased from 65 to 68 to collect SS and possibly even the age of 70.
Members of Many Groups -Many Americans play roles in most of these groups -Family -Friends -Religion -Education -Economics -Government/political party
Values We Share -American Dream -Legacy of freedoms -Government by the People -equality of all persons -Justice -Imperfect Society in reality (is perfection really that glamorous?)