WISER: Social Sciences Citation searching with Web of Knowledge Sue Bird and Angela Carritt
Citation Searching with W.o.K. Web of Knowledge includes:- Social Science Citation Index Science Citation Index Arts & Humanities Index Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings Journal Citation Reports
To “Analyze results” e.g. who is citing this article, in which publication, from which institutions / country, what type of documents are citing it (e.g. book review, articles, reports)
Choose how to analyse results: Author – which authors are citing this document (e.g. are one or two authors citing this article a lot or are all the citations by different authors? Is the author citing himself?) Country/Territory – Authors citing are based in which countries? Could show a regional difference in interest. Document type – What type of documents are citing this document (e.g. book reviews, articles etc) Institution name – Authors citing are from which institutions? Year – citing articles were published in which years? (e.g. short term interest, sudden increase in interest after an event)… Minimum threshold – minimum number of like citations to include (e.g. in this case every author who has cited Swyngedouw’s article in Antipode twice or more times will be displayed. If you changed the min threshold 1 all citing authors would be shown).
e.g. Analysing by Author
e.g. Analysing by publication year
“Create Citation Alert” – s you when a new document is added to the database which cites this article. Registration required
You can also be alearted by RSS feed. Does not seem to work … at least not with Bloglines
Journal Citation reports A variety of statistics to help you to decide which journals receive the highest number of citations Covers 7,500 journals from 60 countries For more information see the help file or go to: crgls2.htm crgls2.htm Impact factors should be used with care - data may not be gathered in the same way for some journals see ee/essays/journalcitationrepor ts / ee/essays/journalcitationrepor ts /
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How often the average article published in the journal during the last last two years was cited during the year Total number of citations to the journal for the year. Favours large frequently published journals Number of years from current year accounting for 50% of citations How often the average article published this year was cited this year (e.g. how quickly were new articles cited). Favours frequently published journals Sort options (e.g. sort by title, highest impact factor, largest number of total cites etc)
Reading the results for the Journal of Economic Geography: Articles published in J Econ Geogr were cited 270 times in 2005 Articles published in J Econ Geogr during the last two years were cited on average 3.22 during 2005 Articles published in J Econ Geogr during 2005 were cited on average 0.37 during 2005 (ie in the same year) Half of the citations to J Econ Geogr made during 2005 were to articles published in the last 2.8 years, the other half were to older articles Geography journals sorted by highest impact factor
Three ways to keep up to date: – alert – you can specify a search to be repeated and the results ed to you at chosen intervals –Saving and rerunning searches – you save a search and run it again in the future –Citation Alert – you will receive an every time a particular article is cited in another WoK-indexed article
Search Hints Authors names: entered in a particular format (check the online help). If possible use the database index to find different forms of author’s name, otherwise truncate first initial. Consider subject synonyms & British and US spellings. Apply truncation, usually * to find plurals/alternative word endings and ? to replace a single character. Expand search by following hypertext links, e.g. for alternative subject headings. Use tagging facilities within database to mark articles for printing, ing, downloading or exporting.