Panel P1J: Navigation Data April 2002 CCSDS P1J Status Report Spring Meeting, ESA/ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany Dates: April 8 – 11, 2002 Felipe Flores-Amaya NASA/GSFC/Code 453/Code 572
Panel P1J: Navigation Data April 2002P1J Report2 Agenda Accomplishments Application of ODM Future Work Issues Participants
Panel P1J: Navigation Data April 2002P1J Report3 Accomplishments (1) Closed all agency RIDs from review of Red Book from Summer 2001 review cycle Completed another full review of the Orbit Data Message (ODM) Red Book Developed a list of outstanding questions covering the orbit message exchange Discussed testing ideas for ODM Conducted discussions of tracking data requirements Decided on a plan for producing a concept of operations for a tracking data Recommendation Developed a list of questions to be answered Developed a list of questions to help define requirements on spacecraft ID’s Reviewed and discussed all open action items Discussed AIAA related standards Some overlap, but no unnecessary duplication of efforts AIAA document “Recommended Practice for Astrodynamics Part II: Methods, Models and Data Formats” is available
Panel P1J: Navigation Data April 2002P1J Report4 Accomplishments (2) Response to P3 on SLE tracking service: P3 is invited to provide responses to the P1J list of questions on a concept of operations for a tracking data Recommendation P1J will provide P3 with current exchange formats and background information, upon request Conducted a discussion on the specification of vector directions Participated in a joint P1J/P1K session, to discuss the timing service issue
Panel P1J: Navigation Data April 2002P1J Report5 Application of ODM ESOC-JPL testing in progress using Ulysses spacecraft to exchange the ephemeris message (EPM) Transmission and processing worked ESA-JPL ICD specifies use of EPM as the navigation operational interface for the Rosetta and Mars Express missions; which are currently scheduled to launch on Jan 2003 and June 2003, respectively CNES-DLR will perform testing to exchange the orbit parameters message (OPM) Plan to use OPM to support future missions (TBD)
Panel P1J: Navigation Data April 2002P1J Report6 Future Work Conduct a second agency-wide review of the ODM Red Book Schedule: Start review June 1, end review July 31, final P1J review Fall 2002, then advance Red Book to Blue Book status Development of a Recommendation for Attitude data exchange Schedule: First draft white book Fall 2002 Development of a Recommendation for Tracking data exchange Schedule: Review answers to operations concept questions in the Fall 2002, then start development of requirements Add new material to the Green Book, “Navigation Definitions and Conventions” Schedule: P1J review April 15-May 15, then publish new version June 1 Next meeting: week of September 30, 2002, at Houston, TX
Panel P1J: Navigation Data April 2002P1J Report7 Resolutions None
Panel P1J: Navigation Data April 2002P1J Report8 Issues Need someone to present a solution (or examples of applications) using XML to solve real life problems Need to understand the reason for a request to investigate the timing correlation problem. This problem cannot be strictly addressed by P1J and P1K Ref. P1 action item A-P-00-2 Need for other panels to look into questions on ID schemes for all assets Need clarification on the meaning of high efficiency ranging Ref. TSG action item 01-09
Panel P1J: Navigation Data April 2002P1J Report9 Participants F. Flores-Amaya (Chairman/NASA/GSFC) L. A. Cangahuala (NASA/JPL) - Trajectory R. Kiehling (DLR) - Trajectory G. Ortega (ESA/ESTEC) – GPS/Timing (via telephone) J. Foliard (CNES) - Attitude C. Acton (NASA/JPL) – Trajectory S. Pallaschke (ESA/ESOC) - Trajectory