So What is Going to be Happening with State Assessment for Students with Disabilities for 2007/2008? Peggy Dutcher Fall 2007 Assessment and Accountability Conference
Presentation will include: MI-Access Science Assessments MI-Access Science Assessments General Supervision Enhancement Grants General Supervision Enhancement Grants General Assessments General Assessments
MI-Access Science Assessments First State-wide operational assessments 2007/2008 First State-wide operational assessments 2007/2008 Fall – grades 5 and 8 Fall – grades 5 and 8 Spring – grade 11 Spring – grade 11 Standard-setting Panels Standard-setting Panels December 5 and 6 December 5 and 6 April 29 and 30 April 29 and 30
U.S. Office of Special Education Programs General Supervision Enhancement Grants General Supervision Enhancement Grants Applications Applications Alternate Assessments based on Alternate Achievement Standards (AA- AAS) Alternate Assessments based on Alternate Achievement Standards (AA- AAS) Alternate Assessments based on Modified Achievement Standards Alternate Assessments based on Modified Achievement Standards Michigan applied for grant related to AA- MAS Michigan applied for grant related to AA- MAS Michigan applied as a consortium for AA-AAS Michigan applied as a consortium for AA-AAS
Awarded BOTH Grants!!
State Assessment Continuum MEAP MEAP MEAP with accommodations MEAP with accommodations MI-Access Modified Full Independence MI-Access Modified Full Independence MI-Access Functional Independence MI-Access Functional Independence MI-Access Supported Independence MI-Access Supported Independence MI-Access Participation MI-Access Participation
GSEG: AA-MAS Title: A Comprehensive Model Using Existing General Assessments to Develop Alternate Assessments Based on Modified Achievement Standards with Curricular and Instructional Supports to Improve Student Achievement Title: A Comprehensive Model Using Existing General Assessments to Develop Alternate Assessments Based on Modified Achievement Standards with Curricular and Instructional Supports to Improve Student Achievement
AA-MAS Content Areas Content Areas English language arts English language arts Mathematics Mathematics Grades Grades
AA-MAS Grant Goals 1. Replicable Assessment Modification Process MFL Assessment Plan Writing Team MFL Assessment Plan Writing Team MFL Content Advisory Committee MFL Content Advisory Committee MFL Sensitivity Review Committee MFL Sensitivity Review Committee 2. Create a Michigan Online Professional Development Learning System (MOPLS)
AA-MAS Objectives MFL characteristics MFL characteristics Add to Draft Guidelines Add to Draft Guidelines Develop modified academic achievement standards Develop modified academic achievement standards Develop Technical Advisory Committee reviewed process for modifying an existing general assessment Develop Technical Advisory Committee reviewed process for modifying an existing general assessment
AA-MAS Objectives Conduct MFL pilot using two models Conduct MFL pilot using two models Designee a comprehensive professional development program Designee a comprehensive professional development program Guidelines for IEP Teams Guidelines for IEP Teams Using assessment results Using assessment results Ensuring access to Michigan’s ELA and mathematics Grade Level Content Expectation Ensuring access to Michigan’s ELA and mathematics Grade Level Content Expectation Disseminate replicable process to other states Disseminate replicable process to other states
Timeline Year 1 Year 1 Define student population (write draft guidelines) Define student population (write draft guidelines) Develop item review process Develop item review process Select items for pilot Select items for pilot Start the design of MOPLS Start the design of MOPLS
Timeline Year 2 Year 2 Pilot MFL (winter 2009) Pilot MFL (winter 2009) Field review of draft guidelines Field review of draft guidelines Continue work on MOPLS including BETA testing Continue work on MOPLS including BETA testing Committee review of pilot results Committee review of pilot results Operational Fall 2009 Operational Fall 2009
Timeline Year 3 Year 3 Develop MFL Performance Level Descriptors Develop MFL Performance Level Descriptors Standard-setting Standard-setting Complete MOPLS Complete MOPLS Dissemination to Michigan and other states Dissemination to Michigan and other states
Need Committee Members! Michigan Educators Michigan Educators Special education Special education General education General education Parents Parents Advocates Advocates Business Business Higher education Higher education
GSEG: AA-AAS A State Consortium to Examine the Consequential Validity of Alternate Assessments based on Alternate Achievement Standards (AA-AAS): A Longitudinal Study A State Consortium to Examine the Consequential Validity of Alternate Assessments based on Alternate Achievement Standards (AA-AAS): A Longitudinal Study
Partners North Central Regional Resource Center North Central Regional Resource Center Michigan Michigan Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Wisconsin Wisconsin
Purpose Consortium will adopt a common framework and research processes for evaluation the state’s alternate assessments’ consequential validity Consortium will adopt a common framework and research processes for evaluation the state’s alternate assessments’ consequential validity
Validity Arguments Teacher and Administrator Motivation and Effort Teacher and Administrator Motivation and Effort Professional Development Support Being Used Professional Development Support Being Used Instruction and Curriculum will be Adapted Instruction and Curriculum will be Adapted Students are Motivated to Learn and Put Forth Their Best Effort Students are Motivated to Learn and Put Forth Their Best Effort Improved Performance is Related to Changes in Instruction Improved Performance is Related to Changes in Instruction
AA-AAS Grant Objectives Convene a Stakeholder Feedback Group Convene a Stakeholder Feedback Group Develop instrumentation Develop instrumentation Conduct Field Test of Instrumentation Conduct Field Test of Instrumentation Develop Web-Based Survey Develop Web-Based Survey Conduct Sample Selection Procedures Conduct Sample Selection Procedures Conduct Surveys with Administrators and Teachers Conduct Surveys with Administrators and Teachers Disseminate Results of study Disseminate Results of study
MEAP English language arts English language arts Braille Braille
MME Reformat MME Accommodation Summary Table Reformat MME Accommodation Summary Table Review accommodations issues for future administrations Review accommodations issues for future administrations
Contact Information Peggy Dutcher