1. How does your educational philosophy relate to your supervisory platform? (Existentialism, Experimentalism, Essentialism) Our educational philosophy relates to experimentalism. Experimentalism believes that things are constantly changing. Education is changing daily. Through the process of inquiry and reflection the teachers, staff, and students will show the most growth intellectually and personally through experimentalism.
2. Describe in detail your theory of leadership? Leadership is the ability to wear many hats very well. Leadership is the approach one takes to maintain and improve an organization. Leadership is the ability to influence, collaborate, communicate, and provide ownership.
Influence State clear, defined, and high standards regarding what they expect from those around the school. Recognize staff achievements and desired behaviors in a personally meaningful way to influence others to do the same. Empower the staff with the authority to create innovative ways of believing in the vision. A leader overall, sets the tone of the building by influencing others to strive for the same mission, vision, and goals.
Collaborate Collaboration should be encouraged school wide. A democratic environment is essential to collaboration. Leaders should use a caring and coaching style of leadership in one-on-one settings, empathizing with the situation of staff while drawing forth solutions from the staff themselves. Leaders should encourage team planning and delegate positions.
Communication and Trust As a leader you need to a be communicator. Staff and students want to be part of a school where their leader makes them feel important and where their leader is someone who is loyal and dedicated to the betterment of the school. When an employee trusts his or her leader, confrontation becomes minute and becomes more as positive criticism.
Ownership Model the values and attitudes of the school vision. Lead by example and be a good role model. Identify problems and correct them. Ability to admit imperfection. Ability and drive to continue learning. Be knowledgeable about the staff, the curriculum, and instruction.
3. What is your definition of Instructional Supervision? Instructional supervision involves taking action to make sure the school is a positive place where learning occurs. This action involves; Turning quality teachers into buyers of their leader’s goals and mission for the school. Engaging teachers with effective, timely, and positive supervisor feedback. Empowering the staff and the students through modeling and supervisor integrity.
4. How does your theory of leadership relate to instructional supervision? The relationship centers around the fact that good leaders are created from good leaders before them. Good leaders do not forget the skills that got them to the supervisory position. Good leaders are efficient, accountable, and effective. Good leaders can positively engage teachers in lesson dialogues, giving meaning and value to the efforts of their teachers. A good leader models the tone of the building, influencing staff and students to strive for the same mission, vision, and goal.
5. Who should supervise? Strong leaders that have progressed through the ranks and done the job successfully should supervise. Other supervisor characteristics are; Inspirational ability Multi-tasking Experience and visible skills for the job they are supervising Driven, goal-oriented, lead by example type individuals
5. Who should be supervised? All staff should be supervised. Teachers Core content teachers, related arts teachers, special education teachers, and coaches. Students Assistant Principals Custodians Para-Professionals It is the responsibility of the supervisor to discover the type of supervision needed for the many different staff members working in the school.
6. What knowledge, skills, attitudes and values are possessed by successful supervisors. Successful supervisors should be knowledgeable in the curriculum, theories, and the overall practice of leadership. A successful leader has visions and goals for the school. Collaborative Supervisors should respect and support all individuals. High expectations for both students and staff Assertive, reliable, organized, and creative. Efficiently assessing and monitoring the progress of students Supervision of a school requires involvement within the school and the community. A home school connection is vital to a well-run school. Have subject matter knowledge and/or the ability and drive to continue to gain this knowledge Have a successful teaching styles. A positive, team-player attitude. Be upstanding members of society with solid moral values, and the willingness to impart those values to staff and students. A collegial, collaborative interpersonal style recognition of the strengths and talents of the supervisee, Encourages self-efficacy
7. What are the most important needs of a teacher? Respect Support Communication Accountability Acknowledgement of efforts of staff Visibility Leadership
8. What makes for positive relationships between supervisors and teachers? Responsibility should fall on the supervisor, whom should make every effort to engage themselves with the teacher. Be enthusiastic about goals, lessons & direction of the school. Communication is the key to positive relationships between supervisors and teachers. Teachers need to feel they can TRUST his/her leader
9. What types of activities should be part of instructional supervision? Team-building Engagement Positive pre & post conferencing Open lines of communication Staff meetings Teacher mentoring Observation Evaluation-formally & informally Facilitation of supervisee self-assessment Acquisition of knowledge and skills by instruction
9.What types of activities should be part of instructional supervision? Modeling Feedback Mutual problem-solving Planning Supervisors should remain current with the curriculum Plan professional development
10. What should be changed about the current practice of instructional supervision? More positive reinforcement Notice the “good things” teachers do! Not as much emphasis on the negative Focus on the weaknesses instead of the strengths of teachers Pay attention to the “gifts of teachers”, instructional supervision is to empower the job of teachers and allow them to grow.
10. What should be changed about the current practice of instructional supervision? Need more knowledge in the curriculum Set high expectations for students & teachers Hold staff accountable