Yn sicrhau gwell bargen i Gynhyrchwyr y Trydydd Byd MASNACH DEG.


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Presentation transcript:

Yn sicrhau gwell bargen i Gynhyrchwyr y Trydydd Byd MASNACH DEG

Over 3,500 Fairtrade products! Slide Six: Fairtrade Products Aim To demonstrate how much Fairtrade has grown and the wide range of products now available. Key Points The first products with the FAIRTRADE Mark were launched 12 years ago in 1994. These were coffee, tea, and chocolate. With such a huge growth in Fairtrade demanded by consumers, the number of products has exploded to 1,300! Types of products include: coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, sugar, bananas, mangos, other fresh and dried fruit, juices, honey, cakes and snacks, preserves, nuts, oils, herbs, spices, rice, beer, rum, wine, roses, cotton products and sports balls. The newest products are rice and cotton, both launched in 2005. Possible Questions What were the first three Fairtrade products? (coffee, tea and chocolate) What types of products can you name that carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (If you have a flipchart you could write these up as people name them!) Can anyone think of any products that are not in this photo that now carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (rice and cotton)

Dros 3,500 o nwyddau Masnach Deg! Slide Six: Fairtrade Products Aim To demonstrate how much Fairtrade has grown and the wide range of products now available. Key Points The first products with the FAIRTRADE Mark were launched 12 years ago in 1994. These were coffee, tea, and chocolate. With such a huge growth in Fairtrade demanded by consumers, the number of products has exploded to 1,300! Types of products include: coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, sugar, bananas, mangos, other fresh and dried fruit, juices, honey, cakes and snacks, preserves, nuts, oils, herbs, spices, rice, beer, rum, wine, roses, cotton products and sports balls. The newest products are rice and cotton, both launched in 2005. Possible Questions What were the first three Fairtrade products? (coffee, tea and chocolate) What types of products can you name that carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (If you have a flipchart you could write these up as people name them!) Can anyone think of any products that are not in this photo that now carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (rice and cotton)

Why does Fair Trade matter? Becoming a Fair Trade Council Because every three seconds a child dies of poverty

Pam mae Masnach Deg yn bwysig? Becoming a Fair Trade Council Achos bod plentyn yn marw bob tri eiliad o achos tlodi

Why does Fair Trade matter? Becoming a Fair Trade Council Because workers on banana plantations can earn as little as 60p a day

Pam mae Masnach Deg yn bwysig? Becoming a Fair Trade Council Achos y gall gweithwyr ar blanhigfa banana ennill cyn lleied â 60c y dydd

Fair Trade Guarantees… A price that covers production and a living wage No child labour Few or no chemicals to protect workers and environment Rights for women A social premium Slide Six: Fairtrade Products Aim To demonstrate how much Fairtrade has grown and the wide range of products now available. Key Points The first products with the FAIRTRADE Mark were launched 12 years ago in 1994. These were coffee, tea, and chocolate. With such a huge growth in Fairtrade demanded by consumers, the number of products has exploded to 1,300! Types of products include: coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, sugar, bananas, mangos, other fresh and dried fruit, juices, honey, cakes and snacks, preserves, nuts, oils, herbs, spices, rice, beer, rum, wine, roses, cotton products and sports balls. The newest products are rice and cotton, both launched in 2005. Possible Questions What were the first three Fairtrade products? (coffee, tea and chocolate) What types of products can you name that carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (If you have a flipchart you could write these up as people name them!) Can anyone think of any products that are not in this photo that now carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (rice and cotton)

Mae Masnach Deg yn sicrhau… Pris sy’n talu costau cynhyrchu a chyflog i fyw Dim llafur plant Ychydig neu ddim cemegau er mwyn diogelu gweithwyr a’r amgylchedd Hawliau i fenywod Premiwm cymdeithasol Slide Six: Fairtrade Products Aim To demonstrate how much Fairtrade has grown and the wide range of products now available. Key Points The first products with the FAIRTRADE Mark were launched 12 years ago in 1994. These were coffee, tea, and chocolate. With such a huge growth in Fairtrade demanded by consumers, the number of products has exploded to 1,300! Types of products include: coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, sugar, bananas, mangos, other fresh and dried fruit, juices, honey, cakes and snacks, preserves, nuts, oils, herbs, spices, rice, beer, rum, wine, roses, cotton products and sports balls. The newest products are rice and cotton, both launched in 2005. Possible Questions What were the first three Fairtrade products? (coffee, tea and chocolate) What types of products can you name that carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (If you have a flipchart you could write these up as people name them!) Can anyone think of any products that are not in this photo that now carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (rice and cotton)

Community Centre built with social premium money Slide Six: Fairtrade Products Aim To demonstrate how much Fairtrade has grown and the wide range of products now available. Key Points The first products with the FAIRTRADE Mark were launched 12 years ago in 1994. These were coffee, tea, and chocolate. With such a huge growth in Fairtrade demanded by consumers, the number of products has exploded to 1,300! Types of products include: coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, sugar, bananas, mangos, other fresh and dried fruit, juices, honey, cakes and snacks, preserves, nuts, oils, herbs, spices, rice, beer, rum, wine, roses, cotton products and sports balls. The newest products are rice and cotton, both launched in 2005. Possible Questions What were the first three Fairtrade products? (coffee, tea and chocolate) What types of products can you name that carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (If you have a flipchart you could write these up as people name them!) Can anyone think of any products that are not in this photo that now carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (rice and cotton)

Canolfan Gymunedol wedi’i hadeiladu gydag arian premiwm cymdeithasol Slide Six: Fairtrade Products Aim To demonstrate how much Fairtrade has grown and the wide range of products now available. Key Points The first products with the FAIRTRADE Mark were launched 12 years ago in 1994. These were coffee, tea, and chocolate. With such a huge growth in Fairtrade demanded by consumers, the number of products has exploded to 1,300! Types of products include: coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, sugar, bananas, mangos, other fresh and dried fruit, juices, honey, cakes and snacks, preserves, nuts, oils, herbs, spices, rice, beer, rum, wine, roses, cotton products and sports balls. The newest products are rice and cotton, both launched in 2005. Possible Questions What were the first three Fairtrade products? (coffee, tea and chocolate) What types of products can you name that carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (If you have a flipchart you could write these up as people name them!) Can anyone think of any products that are not in this photo that now carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (rice and cotton)

This primary school was rebuilt with social premium money Slide Six: Fairtrade Products Aim To demonstrate how much Fairtrade has grown and the wide range of products now available. Key Points The first products with the FAIRTRADE Mark were launched 12 years ago in 1994. These were coffee, tea, and chocolate. With such a huge growth in Fairtrade demanded by consumers, the number of products has exploded to 1,300! Types of products include: coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, sugar, bananas, mangos, other fresh and dried fruit, juices, honey, cakes and snacks, preserves, nuts, oils, herbs, spices, rice, beer, rum, wine, roses, cotton products and sports balls. The newest products are rice and cotton, both launched in 2005. Possible Questions What were the first three Fairtrade products? (coffee, tea and chocolate) What types of products can you name that carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (If you have a flipchart you could write these up as people name them!) Can anyone think of any products that are not in this photo that now carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (rice and cotton)

Ailadeiladwyd yr ysgol hon gydag arian premiwm cymdeithasol Slide Six: Fairtrade Products Aim To demonstrate how much Fairtrade has grown and the wide range of products now available. Key Points The first products with the FAIRTRADE Mark were launched 12 years ago in 1994. These were coffee, tea, and chocolate. With such a huge growth in Fairtrade demanded by consumers, the number of products has exploded to 1,300! Types of products include: coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, sugar, bananas, mangos, other fresh and dried fruit, juices, honey, cakes and snacks, preserves, nuts, oils, herbs, spices, rice, beer, rum, wine, roses, cotton products and sports balls. The newest products are rice and cotton, both launched in 2005. Possible Questions What were the first three Fairtrade products? (coffee, tea and chocolate) What types of products can you name that carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (If you have a flipchart you could write these up as people name them!) Can anyone think of any products that are not in this photo that now carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (rice and cotton)

Road improvement with social premium money Slide Six: Fairtrade Products Aim To demonstrate how much Fairtrade has grown and the wide range of products now available. Key Points The first products with the FAIRTRADE Mark were launched 12 years ago in 1994. These were coffee, tea, and chocolate. With such a huge growth in Fairtrade demanded by consumers, the number of products has exploded to 1,300! Types of products include: coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, sugar, bananas, mangos, other fresh and dried fruit, juices, honey, cakes and snacks, preserves, nuts, oils, herbs, spices, rice, beer, rum, wine, roses, cotton products and sports balls. The newest products are rice and cotton, both launched in 2005. Possible Questions What were the first three Fairtrade products? (coffee, tea and chocolate) What types of products can you name that carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (If you have a flipchart you could write these up as people name them!) Can anyone think of any products that are not in this photo that now carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (rice and cotton)

Gwella ffyrdd gydag arian premiwm cymdeithasol Slide Six: Fairtrade Products Aim To demonstrate how much Fairtrade has grown and the wide range of products now available. Key Points The first products with the FAIRTRADE Mark were launched 12 years ago in 1994. These were coffee, tea, and chocolate. With such a huge growth in Fairtrade demanded by consumers, the number of products has exploded to 1,300! Types of products include: coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, sugar, bananas, mangos, other fresh and dried fruit, juices, honey, cakes and snacks, preserves, nuts, oils, herbs, spices, rice, beer, rum, wine, roses, cotton products and sports balls. The newest products are rice and cotton, both launched in 2005. Possible Questions What were the first three Fairtrade products? (coffee, tea and chocolate) What types of products can you name that carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (If you have a flipchart you could write these up as people name them!) Can anyone think of any products that are not in this photo that now carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (rice and cotton)

The Fairtrade organisation, a charity backed by Oxfam, has succeeded in convincing major supermarkets in the UK that they should offer foods such as coffee, chocolate and bananas branded as Fairtrade products at a price which is more than their standard own brands. It is then up to the customers as to whether they are prepared to pay a premium to ensure that farmers from developing countries receive proper compensation for their efforts. At the moment only 1 in 10 of supermarket customers in the UK buy Fairtrade bananas.

Yn sicrhau gwell bargen i Gynhyrchwyr y Trydydd Byd MASNACH DEG Yn sicrhau gwell bargen i Gynhyrchwyr y Trydydd Byd The Fairtrade organisation, a charity backed by Oxfam, has succeeded in convincing major supermarkets in the UK that they should offer foods such as coffee, chocolate and bananas branded as Fairtrade products at a price which is more than their standard own brands. It is then up to the customers as to whether they are prepared to pay a premium to ensure that farmers from developing countries receive proper compensation for their efforts. At the moment only 1 in 10 of supermarket customers in the UK buy Fairtrade bananas.

The pictures behind the chocolate… Slide Six: Fairtrade Products Aim To demonstrate how much Fairtrade has grown and the wide range of products now available. Key Points The first products with the FAIRTRADE Mark were launched 12 years ago in 1994. These were coffee, tea, and chocolate. With such a huge growth in Fairtrade demanded by consumers, the number of products has exploded to 1,300! Types of products include: coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, sugar, bananas, mangos, other fresh and dried fruit, juices, honey, cakes and snacks, preserves, nuts, oils, herbs, spices, rice, beer, rum, wine, roses, cotton products and sports balls. The newest products are rice and cotton, both launched in 2005. Possible Questions What were the first three Fairtrade products? (coffee, tea and chocolate) What types of products can you name that carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (If you have a flipchart you could write these up as people name them!) Can anyone think of any products that are not in this photo that now carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (rice and cotton)

Y lluniau y tu ôl i’r siocled… Slide Six: Fairtrade Products Aim To demonstrate how much Fairtrade has grown and the wide range of products now available. Key Points The first products with the FAIRTRADE Mark were launched 12 years ago in 1994. These were coffee, tea, and chocolate. With such a huge growth in Fairtrade demanded by consumers, the number of products has exploded to 1,300! Types of products include: coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, sugar, bananas, mangos, other fresh and dried fruit, juices, honey, cakes and snacks, preserves, nuts, oils, herbs, spices, rice, beer, rum, wine, roses, cotton products and sports balls. The newest products are rice and cotton, both launched in 2005. Possible Questions What were the first three Fairtrade products? (coffee, tea and chocolate) What types of products can you name that carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (If you have a flipchart you could write these up as people name them!) Can anyone think of any products that are not in this photo that now carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (rice and cotton)

It’s up to you… Shop for Fair Trade products and if you can’t find them ask for them Stop buying exploitative products, and tell the company why Talk about Fair Trade Get involved with Fair Trade – help make Llangefni a Fairtrade Town! Slide Six: Fairtrade Products Aim To demonstrate how much Fairtrade has grown and the wide range of products now available. Key Points The first products with the FAIRTRADE Mark were launched 12 years ago in 1994. These were coffee, tea, and chocolate. With such a huge growth in Fairtrade demanded by consumers, the number of products has exploded to 1,300! Types of products include: coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, sugar, bananas, mangos, other fresh and dried fruit, juices, honey, cakes and snacks, preserves, nuts, oils, herbs, spices, rice, beer, rum, wine, roses, cotton products and sports balls. The newest products are rice and cotton, both launched in 2005. Possible Questions What were the first three Fairtrade products? (coffee, tea and chocolate) What types of products can you name that carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (If you have a flipchart you could write these up as people name them!) Can anyone think of any products that are not in this photo that now carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (rice and cotton)

Chi sy’n dewis… Siopwch am nwyddau Masnach Deg ac os nad ydych chi’n gallu dod o hyd iddyn nhw, gofynnwch amdanyn nhw Peidiwch â phrynu nwyddau sy’n ymelwa ar weithwyr, a dywedwch wrth y cwmni pam Siaradwch am Fasnach Deg Chwaraewch eich rôl gyda Masnach Deg Slide Six: Fairtrade Products Aim To demonstrate how much Fairtrade has grown and the wide range of products now available. Key Points The first products with the FAIRTRADE Mark were launched 12 years ago in 1994. These were coffee, tea, and chocolate. With such a huge growth in Fairtrade demanded by consumers, the number of products has exploded to 1,300! Types of products include: coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, sugar, bananas, mangos, other fresh and dried fruit, juices, honey, cakes and snacks, preserves, nuts, oils, herbs, spices, rice, beer, rum, wine, roses, cotton products and sports balls. The newest products are rice and cotton, both launched in 2005. Possible Questions What were the first three Fairtrade products? (coffee, tea and chocolate) What types of products can you name that carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (If you have a flipchart you could write these up as people name them!) Can anyone think of any products that are not in this photo that now carry the FAIRTRADE Mark? (rice and cotton)