Lower Canada The Chateau Clique
Groups in Lower Canada HabitantsHabitants MerchantsMerchants Professional MenProfessional Men
Habitants Like the Anglophones in Upper Canada, the Francophone in Lower Canada left France for a better life. They had hoped to get a new lease on life, and develop a better life – one that did not exist in France.Like the Anglophones in Upper Canada, the Francophone in Lower Canada left France for a better life. They had hoped to get a new lease on life, and develop a better life – one that did not exist in France. Most of the major cities in Lower Canada were found along the St. Lawrence River – Quebec City, Montreal, Chateauguay, Trois- Rivières.Most of the major cities in Lower Canada were found along the St. Lawrence River – Quebec City, Montreal, Chateauguay, Trois- Rivières. Life in Lower Canada was quite similar to the life in Upper CanadaLife in Lower Canada was quite similar to the life in Upper Canada Candles, oil lamps and the moon provided light.Candles, oil lamps and the moon provided light. Lower Canadians were French speaking farmers.Lower Canadians were French speaking farmers. If you wanted to spend time with others, you would go to Church – the Roman Catholic Church.If you wanted to spend time with others, you would go to Church – the Roman Catholic Church.
Habitants In Upper Canada land was strewn all across the St. Lawrence without any real level of a sophisticated system and organization.In Upper Canada land was strewn all across the St. Lawrence without any real level of a sophisticated system and organization. However, in Lower Canada there was a sophisticated system of land distribution called the seigneurial system.However, in Lower Canada there was a sophisticated system of land distribution called the seigneurial system. Seigneur - (English: Lord, German: Herr) was the name formerly given in France to someone who had been granted a fief (a list of rights or property) by the crown.Seigneur - (English: Lord, German: Herr) was the name formerly given in France to someone who had been granted a fief (a list of rights or property) by the crown. Seigneurial System – land that was given to a Seigneur was divided into columns and sold (or loaned) to habitants of Lower Canada.Seigneurial System – land that was given to a Seigneur was divided into columns and sold (or loaned) to habitants of Lower Canada.
Seigneurial System The best land was given to friends of the Seigneur – it is marked by the darker green.The best land was given to friends of the Seigneur – it is marked by the darker green. The other land was sold to other habitants of Lower Canada.The other land was sold to other habitants of Lower Canada.
Habitants After the war of 1812 changes to Lower Canada were occurring.After the war of 1812 changes to Lower Canada were occurring. A massive influx of Anglophones came from England to Lower Canada – with most of these people residing in Montreal.A massive influx of Anglophones came from England to Lower Canada – with most of these people residing in Montreal. A majority of these new immigrants were wealthy merchants.A majority of these new immigrants were wealthy merchants. These new immigrants were a threat to the current culture in QuebecThese new immigrants were a threat to the current culture in Quebec French languageFrench language Roman Catholic religion &Roman Catholic religion & Agricultural way of lifeAgricultural way of life Despite the Quebec Act of 1774 – which guaranteed the people of Lower Canada that they were able to keep their religion and their language, people still feared that Britain was trying to extinguish French tradition/language/and religion in Lower Canada.Despite the Quebec Act of 1774 – which guaranteed the people of Lower Canada that they were able to keep their religion and their language, people still feared that Britain was trying to extinguish French tradition/language/and religion in Lower Canada.
Habitant Concerns Population growth started to fill-in the available farm land and expand the size and population of major centers in Lower Canada.Population growth started to fill-in the available farm land and expand the size and population of major centers in Lower Canada. The best land was along the St. Lawrence River and the Ottawa River and they were being given to people who were wealthy, as opposed to original French habitants.The best land was along the St. Lawrence River and the Ottawa River and they were being given to people who were wealthy, as opposed to original French habitants. Note that no land was not being given, or sold, to any First Nations people.Note that no land was not being given, or sold, to any First Nations people. With less land available many French citizens looked for work in towns and lumber camps or went to the U.S.With less land available many French citizens looked for work in towns and lumber camps or went to the U.S.
Merchants Merchants were business men. Those that came to Lower Canada were predominately Anglophones from Britain.Merchants were business men. Those that came to Lower Canada were predominately Anglophones from Britain. They were new to the area and started to set up businesses in Quebec City and Montreal.They were new to the area and started to set up businesses in Quebec City and Montreal. Rich and Powerful (exporting furs & timber + wheat the Habitants provided).Rich and Powerful (exporting furs & timber + wheat the Habitants provided).
Merchants Desires Focused on area improvementsFocused on area improvements HarborsHarbors CanalsCanals RoadsRoads All of which they wanted to be paid for by the govt. through taxes.All of which they wanted to be paid for by the govt. through taxes. As such the French habitants were to pay taxes to local governments and these local governments were paying Anglophone merchants to build harbors, canals and roads. (I.E. French money was going to Anglophones).As such the French habitants were to pay taxes to local governments and these local governments were paying Anglophone merchants to build harbors, canals and roads. (I.E. French money was going to Anglophones).
Upper Canada and LoWer Canada Similarities Again, much like in Upper Canada, we start to see two groups form – Farmers and Wealthy Merchants (business people).Again, much like in Upper Canada, we start to see two groups form – Farmers and Wealthy Merchants (business people). One group that is totally ignored in both colonies – Frist Nations.One group that is totally ignored in both colonies – Frist Nations.
Professional Men In Upper Canada the professional and educated people (doctors & lawyers) sided with the Family Compact and were more Conservative.In Upper Canada the professional and educated people (doctors & lawyers) sided with the Family Compact and were more Conservative. In Lower Canada these professionals found themselves on the same side as the Farmers.In Lower Canada these professionals found themselves on the same side as the Farmers.
Professional Men Goals They wanted to be the leaders of Lower Canada. A lot of them were bi-lingual (they could speak both French and English).They wanted to be the leaders of Lower Canada. A lot of them were bi-lingual (they could speak both French and English). They took it upon themselves to speak up for French-Speaking farmers and habitants of Lower Canada.They took it upon themselves to speak up for French-Speaking farmers and habitants of Lower Canada. They dreamt of a separate French Canadian Nation wherein they could then preserve the French Canadian ways of life via the Quebec Act of 1774They dreamt of a separate French Canadian Nation wherein they could then preserve the French Canadian ways of life via the Quebec Act of 1774 The French languageThe French language The Roman Catholic religionThe Roman Catholic religion Traditional agricultural lifestyleTraditional agricultural lifestyle Ultimately, they liked the traditional French-Canadian way of life and saw the British as a cultural threat.Ultimately, they liked the traditional French-Canadian way of life and saw the British as a cultural threat.
Government in Lower Canada Upper CanadaLower Canada Upper ClassFamily Compact (Conservative Party) Chateau Clique (Parti Bleu –who eventually become the Conservative Party) Middle/Lower Class Reformers (Whigs – who become the Liberal Party) Parti Canadien ( Parti Rogue – who eventually become the Liberal Party)
Chateau Clique A small group of wealthy people who were MOSTLY British with very few French-Canadiens that held most the power in Lower Canada.A small group of wealthy people who were MOSTLY British with very few French-Canadiens that held most the power in Lower Canada. Believed only a few people should have all the power in government.Believed only a few people should have all the power in government. They were mostly British background or wealthy French Canadiens – the Merchants that came to Lower Canada.They were mostly British background or wealthy French Canadiens – the Merchants that came to Lower Canada. Supported the Roman Catholic church and the Roman Catholic church supported them in returnSupported the Roman Catholic church and the Roman Catholic church supported them in return Favored British system of government & views.Favored British system of government & views. Wanted more English to join the current population – in hopes to eventually dominate the French population and assimilate them into the British system.Wanted more English to join the current population – in hopes to eventually dominate the French population and assimilate them into the British system.
Parti Canadiens (Parti Patriote 1826) Mostly French-Canadiens who wanted the old, traditional French ways – mostly Farmers.Mostly French-Canadiens who wanted the old, traditional French ways – mostly Farmers. They saw change as negative and did not like new ideas.They saw change as negative and did not like new ideas. They appealed to the professional elite (both Anglophones and Francophone) for help.They appealed to the professional elite (both Anglophones and Francophone) for help. They were able to get the professional men to control the Legislative Assembly and vote against changes.They were able to get the professional men to control the Legislative Assembly and vote against changes. Louis-Joseph Papineau (lawyer) was one of their leaders.Louis-Joseph Papineau (lawyer) was one of their leaders. From their political position (the legislative assembly) was to be used to block the Merchants from their political plans.From their political position (the legislative assembly) was to be used to block the Merchants from their political plans. (Harbors/Canals/Roads)(Harbors/Canals/Roads)
Canadien Sentiment “Not only did the British cast their beggars on the Canadian shore, they must do still more; they must send us, as the final outrage, pestilence and death.” -Parti Patriote-
Government In Lower Canada Representative of the Governor – British Elite that held the same role as the LG from Upper Canada. Executive Council – Filled mostly with members of the Chateau Clique. Advised the RG on what laws to pass. Legislative Council – Filled with members of the Chateau Clique. Advised the RG on what laws to pass and the feelings of the feelings of the citizens in Lower Canada. Assembly – elected members to represent people of Lower Canada. Filled with members of the Chateau Clique and the Parti Canadien. (Located in Montreal)
Government In Lower Canada Frustration from the Legislative Assembly grew as they were having difficulty passing laws.Frustration from the Legislative Assembly grew as they were having difficulty passing laws. Reason Legislative Council & Executive Council had different goals and values and would not pass laws that were voted on in the Legislative Assembly.Reason Legislative Council & Executive Council had different goals and values and would not pass laws that were voted on in the Legislative Assembly.
Chateau Clique Members John Molson Settled in Montreal in By 1786, the young entrepreneur had established a small brewery in Montreal that is today one of Canada's oldest companies Notice both, like a massive majority of Chateau Clique members, were very British. James McGill A powerfule Philanthropist that made his wealth via the fur trade. McGill donated his wealth to institutions in Montreal – including McGill University.
Parti Canadiens Edmund Bailey O’Callaghan Doctor, Journalist, member of Legislative Assembly. Louis-Joseph Papineau Lawyer and Member of the Legislative Assembly. Denis- Benjamin Viger Politician in the Legislative Assembly, Lawyer and Businessman. Notice all three of them are either French, British, Scottish and are professionals.